Carter, the ONLY Democrat I ever voted for, may God forgive my 18 year old ignorance. Lesson learned!
I heard Steyn say that on Glenn Beck's show I think it was. I would have loved to hear the Oil guy say something like that. During those hearings Congress showed what (dangerous) Bafoons they are!
Good post A1! I hope the court rules favorable to the 2nd, there could be far reaching consequences if they don't.
I guess they are lucky they didn't find any guns, they might have "Wacko'ed" them. Good post Holly! Government is most definetly out of control. Right/left, it doesn't matter, they are ALL to much in our business!
Great post! I think you've really nailed this one! I don't know what you do for a living but if you don't write for someone, you should. Send this one as a "letter to the editor" or something...who know's, maybe SOMEONE might get a clue!
I'm not sure I could take four more years of Bush myself but I know I won't survive 2 years of Obama and a Democratic Congress.
If one of these states DOES succed, I'll be there in a nano second. You lefties can have the utopia you seek. Good luck with that.
The comment section was ALMOST as good as the post. I always (well almost) love reading your stuff. Ya know, I probably never loved anyone as much as my Grandma but when she died I didn't cry. My Cocker spainel "Lil Bit" died and I wept like a little girl. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw once, "The more I meet people, the better I like my dog." Your a very good writer Jim, and very uplifting. I needed some optimism today....thanks.
Wow, I try to stay well informed but this one slipped past my radar. What have we become. I think its pitchforks and torches time! These morons are gonna get us ALL killed!
Talk to ya later I'm gonna go "plunk" some Korans!
I read about Lieutenant Murphy and his SEAL team in the book "Lone Suvivor" by one of his team mates, Marcus Luttrell. It is an extraordinary book. I wrote a little about it in my last post "Freedom isn't Free." For some reason it didn't come out on MyBloggers (the title is there but little else) but you can read it on Blogster if you want to. Thanks for remembering the Veterans. Good post.
At least you see it, and know people take advantage of you. My poor bro-inlaw is oblivious. He's the same kind of guy as you. He helps EVERYONE, and boy does he get taken advantage of, even by his family.
His Dad is dead now but he was one of the worst. "Sam", my bro, was always and forever running and doing for him. Sam was supposed to get an inheritance from his grandparents that would have set him up for life. Somehow through legal shenanigans his Dad got it, and "Sam" never saw a dime. "Sam" thinks the sun rose and set on his Dad. I would've pi**ed on his grave. The worst thing is the 2nd wife, his step mom got all the sad.
I'm glad the snow is gone too!!!! Or given the weather this year maybe I should say...gone for now.
Enjoy the visit with your son. Your wrong when you say nobody wants to hear these keeps ME married!
I flew twice, to and from Marine core boot camp. I'm done.
Political correctness will be the death of us all. BTW, please don't EVER refer to me as a "trucker", I'm a "transportation engineer!"
Ya know, when I first signed up at MyBloggers, My "location" came up Reston VA, I asked eddie to change it and he did. If on the slim chance you actually live in Lincoln Park Mi, send me your address and I'll be over in 15 minutes. I would LOVE to sit and talk to a sane person for an hour or two. Good post.