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Travels Of Life

Life & Events > Boring > Rant's or More

Rant's or More

 I maybe shouldn't write anything when I'm in a off mood but what the hell, with everything going on in my life I'm really thinking I'm looking at everything the wrong way then maybe not, through the years I've always been kind & helpful to people treating them for who they are, but I'm really getting to wonder why they don't treat me the same, I bend over backwards for everyone, drop whatever I'm doing & go help them, then in return I get taken advantage of my kindness or advantage of a good thing or kicked around & treated like a piece of shit,  Why do people feel the need to treat me like that?  Maybe I just hang with the wrong people & need new friends that don't treat me like that who knows, I'll give you all an example, a so called close freind of mine went to work out west & wanted me to sorta house sit or check on his house once a week to make sure everythings ok he said he'd pay me for my time, then when he came back its been like chasing him down to get paid so after me calling & leaving him messages he wouldn't return my calls or he just avoids me, or just gives me some stupid excuse like he had a headache  & couldn't return my call for 3 days,  this is a funny thing everyone wants me to do stuff for them because they know I'm dependable & stuff gets done, so why do I get treated like this?  Then when I need a little help with something everybody's always too busy or they never show up, maybe people will understand how I feel about this & its all getting real old, getting to the point don't even want to do anything for anyone anymore.  Relationships are the same way they all want but don't want to accept me for who I am, more intrested for what I have, thats why I haven't been in one for some time, a person gets burnt so many times then you just give up!     Everyone Have a Great Day!!  ;)~

posted on May 3, 2008 7:31 AM ()


At least you see it, and know people take advantage of you. My poor bro-inlaw is oblivious. He's the same kind of guy as you. He helps EVERYONE, and boy does he get taken advantage of, even by his family.

His Dad is dead now but he was one of the worst. "Sam", my bro, was always and forever running and doing for him. Sam was supposed to get an inheritance from his grandparents that would have set him up for life. Somehow through legal shenanigans his Dad got it, and "Sam" never saw a dime. "Sam" thinks the sun rose and set on his Dad. I would've pi**ed on his grave. The worst thing is the 2nd wife, his step mom got all the sad.
comment by justmyopinion on May 15, 2008 12:44 PM ()
Geez, I am so so there. I bend over backwards for people because I care and then when the times I need a little help from a friend no one is to be found. What is up with that? So, now I don't tend to help out as much. Perhaps you should do the same and just say politely "I love to help you but I have too many things going on right now." After a while people will get the hint.
comment by blogdreamz on May 10, 2008 9:13 PM ()
I think that your friends see you as someone strong, self sufficient, dependable. They ignore or simply can't grasp the fact that you might need them. Rather than withdrawing and feeling so bad, try to verbalize how you feel to your friends--at least give them the opportunity to change and to treat you better. I would love to have a friend like you. Perhaps, those around you will become more appreciative if you give them the opportunity.
comment by angiedw on May 3, 2008 7:39 AM ()

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