I live right outside "Dearborn-istan" in Michigan. I'm ALWAYS watching...waiting. Your familiar with Glenn Beck. Have you read the book he has been talking about "Dead Heat?" Unfortunately, I believe that is EXACTLY what is going to happen. If you haven't read it, pick it up TODAY. Great article, I hope it un-stopped some ear's and opened some eye's....but I doubt it. There are those that KNOW and there are those that WILL NOT listen to them. They don't know and they don't want to know. They will keep their fingers in their ears and sing Kum-by-ya. ...Good article all the same.
Ya know, I keep having to talk myself in to voting for McCain. He makes it very very difficult for me. He showed me again who he is when he ripped on the N.C. Republican party. As I've said before, my choices this time are to vote for a communist/racist (Obama) a socialist (Hillary) or a RINO McCain....or stay home. I think we need to hold something along the lines of a "national primary day", we wouldn't have gotten stuck with McCain if we would have done that. At least I don't think we would have, it's hard to say anymore. The Republican party may not be dead but it's on life support. Right now, I couldn't tell you for sure WHAT I will do in November...maybe MOVE.
Errr... I hate it that you can't reply directly to someone's "reply" to a comment. (eddie, ya listening?) Oh how refreshing to feel like you can speak honetsly and exchange idea's with someone who see's things different than you do. You said:
"Of course we're still friends!!! Isn't that what America is all about? Being able to disagree and still respect and care for one another?"
Sadly that is not the experience I've had from "tolerant" people on the left. You made my day, your a good man Jim, I wish you lived next door. (I could keep a better eye on you ) I actually laughed out loud when you called me a pig-headed conservative. That's a good sign of a long rich friendship.
Oddly enough, my last really good "liberal" friend was named Jim so forgive me if I'm a little timid here because though I had known him for twenty years he ultimately told me to basically "eat sh*t and die" during the first "Clinton years". I Do really like you (I really liked him too) and want to know you better, you seem like a reasonable man (although a flaming liberal ) so, all that being said, I'll say this.
I don't like everything W. has done while in office. I do believe, though flawed, his primary concern has been to keep all of us safe. I'm sure he has second guessed himself many times over, but I believe he has tried his best, I truly do. This would not have been an easy eight years for anyone. Please Jim, I'm asking, please stop demeaning him. Stop with the "chimp" and "idiot" stuff. Of course you can say whatever you want on your blog, it just seemed to be-little you somehow in my eye's to see those comments above. Still love ya and all, and hope ya don't tell me to eat.....
Wow! That was so good I don't have words. I try to tell people about this guy and automatically I'm a racist. Its fairly easy to find out who he is, but nobody is telling it like it is. You have gathered all the pertinent facts in to one fantastic article. I will print it and distribute it to all who will listen here in Michigan...I'll probably have to print at least two. Again, EXCELLENT reporting!!!! You should be writing for a major publication...seriously! Sadly the left are comfortable with lies and most likely won't listen. I am seriously concerned we may be faced with un-imaginable self destruction soon. If there is anyone left to write history in the future, I think they will marvel at our suicidal tendencies as a nation.
I'm afraid its about time to water the "Liberty tree."
God bless Lt. Dennis van Uhm ,and may God comfort his family. I hope someday soon we can get serious about winning this thing so we will stop chewing up brave young men like the Lt. I'm NOT going to get in to any political fights on this page either. This one should be to honor a fallen hero, not make political hay. Thank you for sharing the story R.R.
In case you decide NOT to use "Hillbillys" I'm still friendly with some "outlaw bikers." They're good, they work cheap, and they are very discrete!
Ugh...I'm raising a daughter, currently just eleven, still a child in so many way's but soon to be hitting those teenage years. Anybody seen my Xanex?.... I wish you well with your "baby girl."
Welcome to MyBloggers....as to your post. This was of course BEFORE the libs got a hold of our school system......sorry, couldn't resist. Good post! Your a natural!
I'm personally loving watching them claw each others eye's out. I watched that debate last night and if I WAS a Democrat before that I wouldn't be now....
I am only contributing to the division in our country so long as I disagree with the "progressives", is that it? As always, I'm intolerant if I don't AGREE with YOUR (not necessarily your's personally GM) perspective. Well, I can still have a different point of view and not be a bigot or someone that is contibuting to the division. What I would like to do is bring America back to some bit of sanity before we are utterly destroyed.
I didn't say homosexuality was wrong, JESUS did, so your fight isn't with me. I like you personally GM, really I do. I hope our relaitionship won't become to antagonistic.
I just learned a very important lesson. No, it wasn't just "don't eat hot pepper's and handle "willie winky" Noooooooo. It was more like DO NOT READ ONE OF JIM'S FUNNY STORIES WHILE EATING, I coulda chocked to death! That was histerical!!!
gee wiz, I thought I would follow up my rant with a funny one....lighten up a little guys. They're ALL polititions....they're all out for POWER over US...and as long as we keep fighting among ourselves they win. We keep putting the same corrupt one's in office, over and over again.