Am I schizophrenic, have I started another blog without my conscious knowledge? I must seek medical attention! I never realized I was doing this. ....Great post...yer on my buddy list!
I'm totally in complete agreement with you sir. Anyone that disparages you, PLEASE disparage me too. The lunatics or simple minded that buy in to this "Global warming" sorry...can't call it that now, it's "climate change" are not's easy to do the research I HAVE and I'm ONLY a HS graduate! It's hard to talk about Global warming when your up to your butt in snow so NOW it's global cooling. It's a TAX SCAM and NOTHING MORE!!! God help us all!
i wish with all my heart what you have said wasn't is.
I guess I'm an "ugly American." I've never been abroad (I've always been a guy ) and if I were to go I wouldn't expect THEM to be able to speak English...duh... I'm in THEIR country, someone doing that is arrogant. I DO believe America IS superior to most other countries, at least for now. When we fully embrace socialism as we are doing now, perhaps we will cease to be so, we'll be just like them, a part of the "global" community. God help us all. When people come HERE to live, I think they should learn OUR language NOT expect us to "push one" for English!
..Oh you made me laugh. Happy B=day bro! I remember when our black and white T.V. only got ABC,NBC and CBS...then we got channel 50 (UHF)...we were the cat's pututie!
I've tried everything else...maybe I'll give this a try. My problem (and it's a biggie) is I don't really WANT to quit. It killed my Grandpa, lung cancer. I know I SHOULD's nuts. My precious daughter HATE's my smoking. I've quit other addictions but this one is pun intended.
Wow! That was GOOD!
HEY! picking on April fools......I am one! Best B-day a person could have. When they brought me out of the delivery room and gave me to my Dad I was wrapped in a "pink" blanket.
The guy you described doesn't seem like someone I would get along with, I'm always joking around...he seemed a little "thin skinned" to me.
Nothing quite so gleeful as a successful "escape!" I think I should get an "aka" and write some stuff....hmmm.
EXACTLY why I don't put slippery things on my feet in the snow!...Glad you're ok bro.
Those "unintended consequences", are gonna be the death of us all...
P.S. Could ya make the type bigger, I had to copy and paste to a "write mail" and enlarge it to see what ya be me as the same thing happened with "pecans" post. Love ya bro and always will.
I am so proud of you. We probably will never meet. We disagree probably on everything politically. If you were anywhere near me right now I would hug you so hard I'd probably break a rib ( yours.... ) There is a whole story "justmyopinion" COULD tell but has never found the guts.....between you and "pecan", maybe, just maybe I'll work up to it. I'm not saying you and I might never vehemently disagree about politics, "junk" really when you get down to it, but right now, here in this moment....I love ya brother...really... great, gutsy post!
hey girl...ya gotta enlarge the type a little, I'm hooked on your blog and I can't see that teeny tiny writing....