P. Can


P. Can
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Life & Events > I'm No April Fool

I'm No April Fool

I have always loved April first. It is the one day where joking on a friend is not only allowed but encouraged. People don't get mad about silly pranks on this...holiest of days either.... or do they?

I knew a guy many years ago that became devastated over a simple joke that I had used many times in the past. It's one of my personal classics that I thought hysterical.

A few friends and I were hanging out and listening to tunes. I could feel myself wanting to chuckle as I readied for the joke. Timing...I told myself, is key. After all, it is April fools day and everyone is on the alert for the possible "gotcha".

I looked at Tom and widened my eyes while bring my hand up to my nose. He did the same, and mouthed... what? I moved my mouth but wasn't implying real words, so he mouthed.. what again.(in a louder way, if you know what I mean)
So this time I said it out loud. "You have a huge bugger in your nose!"

You could have heard a pin drop.

"April fool!"I said

But before anyone could even respond he threw a fit. He was so angry. His face contorted and I swear I saw steam rising from his ears. He disowned me as a friend for five days. Then demanded an apology before he would speak to me.
I refused, I mean it was April Fools day for goodness sake.

After a couple more days of witnessing him sulk, I said I was sorry for upsetting him. Not for the prank, just for upsetting him. He said "cool" and all was well.

posted on Apr 1, 2008 11:40 AM ()


Oh goodness! Touchy, touchy! I'll bet you didn't try any pranks on his the following year!
comment by mellowdee on Apr 1, 2008 7:40 PM ()
HEY!...no picking on April fools......I am one! Best B-day a person could have. When they brought me out of the delivery room and gave me to my Dad I was wrapped in a "pink" blanket.

The guy you described doesn't seem like someone I would get along with, I'm always joking around...he seemed a little "thin skinned" to me.
comment by justmyopinion on Apr 1, 2008 3:52 PM ()
I seem to have been the brunt of more jokes than I have pulled, but I did manage to get my kids a time or two. However, I always took them in the spirit of the day. Never got upset about them.
comment by redimpala on Apr 1, 2008 12:26 PM ()
I guess April Fool pranks don't work on fools...people w/o a sense of humor frighten me.
comment by looserobes on Apr 1, 2008 12:22 PM ()
I can never pull of april fools jokes. but I fall for a good many, always with a chuckle.
comment by elkhound on Apr 1, 2008 12:09 PM ()

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