P. Can


P. Can
Daytona Beach, FL


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Life & Events > What Are They Smoking?

What Are They Smoking?

I received an offer for a personal loan today. I usually get at least one offer a month, but this was the first from this particular bank. The first thing that that struck me about the offer was the paper that it is written on. Very cheap, and thin, with little coloring, it feels "poor". Second, I have not heard of this bank and began to wonder if this was.... snail-mail phishing, a slower process than the internet but still a viable method. I could have printed out a much more official looking offer than this.

Then I begin to read the offer. It lists a fixed simple interest rate. Loans have an APR of 96%. 96%...is that even legal? If your credit is good, and you would like a 1,000 dollar loan you could expect to pay them back $94.98 per month for 24 months. That equals $2,280.00. WOW......If you needed a $3,000 dollar loan(the max) you would pay 284.93 a month for the 24 months.
Also, higher rates may apply if you choose their manual loan funding process. What ever the hell that is.

What are these people smoking??
Anyone could put this letter together, but if it is "real" who would accept such an offer? Is it even legal to charge rates such as this? MetaBank....so they say...is the host bank, written by Brookwood loans.
I say scam, or illegal.
What do you think?

posted on Mar 31, 2008 6:53 PM ()


comment by strider333 on Apr 1, 2008 3:28 PM ()
It's too bad that there are businesses out there that prey upon people with offers of quick cash As the saying goes though, "If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is".
comment by redwolftimes on Apr 1, 2008 1:37 PM ()
Totally a scam! Unbelievable!!
comment by mellowdee on Apr 1, 2008 9:32 AM ()
You have certainly done your math--not a good source for money as you say!
comment by angiedw on Apr 1, 2008 9:21 AM ()
I do think this is illegal! Even in those old movies where the mob breaks your legs if you don't pay, they didn't charge these rates... did they?
comment by sunlight on Mar 31, 2008 9:31 PM ()
I think it is a scam. I am involved in the Deaf community and get all kinds of weird things in the mail & email and I just ignore them unless I can find a way to check it out. You can always go online and find the phone number to the bank (the real one) and inform them about the letter. They might want to know about the scam so they can warn other members. i know my bank here in Hawai'i always appreciates everyone informing them of weird things cause then they inform the rest of the members.
comment by panthurdreams on Mar 31, 2008 7:59 PM ()

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