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Millertyme > Justmyopinion's Comments

Justmyopinion's Comments

When this next depression hits, its gonna be very very ugly and yes, some will make money on other people's troubles. Probably been that way since time began.
Comment on What I Think - Mar 26, 2008 5:52 PM ()
Glad you made it through!....good post, looking forward to #2.
Comment on Obsessive-compulsive Disorder and Me (Part 1) - Mar 26, 2008 5:45 PM ()
I think my favorite one is "liberalism is a mental disorder"...
Comment on The War of the Bumpers - Mar 26, 2008 5:29 PM ()
They killed lots of "spirits" in there I bet, besides the actual deaths that occured from time to time. These places are much worse than people realize. They pretty much still are I think. Someone I know was having a real rough time with panic attacks and checked in to a mental hospital a year or two ago in Detroit. The stories she told when she got out were pretty much par for the course. The "cure" was worse than the illness. She made it through, but would never "voluntarily" go back.
Comment on The Replacement - Mar 26, 2008 1:59 PM ()
Its been twenty five years away from the American "dungeons" for me. Your awakening many demons, stuffed down deep, for a long long time....but...perhaps it is time they "had some air." Thanks pecan, for speaking out and remembering so many details.
Comment on Five Point Restraints - Mar 25, 2008 12:40 PM ()
When I was "locked up" a friend brought me a bible, brand new. I could set and read it and feel better sometimes. One of the other patients took it, I KNEW he took it. Staff did nothing. Its kinda funny looking back on it, two guys beating up on each other over a Bible.... Well, I've read all your stuff now...get busy, I can't wait for the next installment!
Comment on Mental - Mar 23, 2008 10:35 PM ()
Comment on Cold Showers - Mar 23, 2008 10:23 PM ()
I just want you to know, I KNOW these stories are true, takes one to KNOW one. Your doing a fantastic job!
Comment on Attempted Murder - Mar 23, 2008 10:17 PM ()
Your doing a good job girl, shine some more light on those cockroaches.
Comment on The Thorazine Shuffle - Mar 23, 2008 10:05 PM ()
Years ago when I was about 19 years old, I was a fairly heavy drug user. To make a long story short, I wound up on a "mental ward." I WAS out of it at the time, but pretty much when the street drugs had worn off I think I would have been fine. I was scared and suspicious of the other patients, so a fight or two (or more) broke out and I got the Thorazine needle too. I took on six staff at one time once in a fight, I lost...eventually, but its one of my all time favorite memories believe it or not. I STILL got the needle "in the end" :), but it took six of them to give it to me and get me to the "quiet room.". Hope your doing swell, ya sound fine. The staff were truly ghouls, Nazi's just plain bad people. I finally shut up about them because...well, I suppose by now you know that few listen anyway. Your post brought back a lot of bittersweet memories. Hang tough, as you know, it get's better.
Comment on I Lost ... ... Again - Mar 23, 2008 9:58 PM ()
I think this so-called "rebate" is a load of bull too. If I understand it right, they are not GIVING us anything anyway, its actually borrowing from next year's return, IF that's true, a whole lot of people are gonna get screwed by this. Leave it to the Government to come up with this kind of nonsense.
Comment on Just Random Thoughts - Mar 23, 2008 9:26 PM ()
Welcome to MyBloggers Art. Its a pretty good site, I think you'll like it. The same guy that USED to run Blogster before it got "buggie" now run's this one. He's pretty good if you have any problems.
Comment on Floating Around - Mar 23, 2008 9:18 PM ()
God speaking?---Through the Holy Spirit, primarily through reading His Word. If someone is "hearing" voices they should contact a doctor.

About living a good life?---no---Jesus states very clearly, "you must be born again."

Fornication? Sure, 70 times 7, which of course means infinitely. I wouldn't take that as license though, "SINCERITY" in asking for forgiveness ALWAYS results in forgiveness. Fornication is no worse than any other sin...sin is sin. God can not look upon sin, that's why we need a Savior that DIED for our sins. We do have to ASK for forgivness. Living a "good" life outside of Christ gets you nothing that I know of, I've always hoped that the "little old lady" down the street that baked cookies for the kids in the neighborhood but, never accepted Jesus would not receive the same punishment as say Hitler, just as an example, but I can't back that up scripturally.

Our purpose? To bring glory, praise and honor to Jesus. To make desiples of all men. This temporal existence is but a vapor...judgment, then heaven or hell await.

Giving up family?---friends, family, fortune and anything else that stands in the way of worshiping God, "what would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul." Anything that someone puts before God IS their god.

Good post.
Comment on I Need Your Input! - Mar 22, 2008 8:35 AM ()
You finally made it to MyBloggers! I wondered when/if you would...Welcome oh wise and noble one. [THUMBUP
Comment on The Enumerated Powers of Congress - Mar 21, 2008 10:39 PM ()
CAPITALIST!...that was easy. If I EARN it I should be able to KEEP it or to give it to whom I CHOOSE to....
Comment on For the Sake of Bordom ... - Mar 19, 2008 4:59 PM ()

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