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Life & Events > Boring > Just Random Thoughts

Just Random Thoughts

What do people think of this rebate check that everyone is suppose to get, In away I think I'm getting the short end of the stick again I may not pay income tax being on disability but I still pay property tax, Then another thing that energy credit that some get, Well I noticed that it had been cut just because the gov. didn't put in their percentage, "So" who is making out with any of this when I'm being cut back? I think all this is a bunch of b.s. myself, They are cutting back on other things to pay this out to make them "look good" for the people, they can maybe fool some but not all. Anyone have anymore input on this? Everyone Have a Great Easter!!! ;)~

posted on Mar 23, 2008 7:45 AM ()


It does nothing but create more debt? Does it create any jobs...nope not one? I guess hoping we buy more products from China is the theory, after all, we'll also probably have to borrow money to pay for it too. So I guess, China doubles their money
comment by strider333 on Mar 23, 2008 10:13 PM ()
I think this so-called "rebate" is a load of bull too. If I understand it right, they are not GIVING us anything anyway, its actually borrowing from next year's return, IF that's true, a whole lot of people are gonna get screwed by this. Leave it to the Government to come up with this kind of nonsense.
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 23, 2008 9:26 PM ()
I think it is a bunch of b.s. also. What sense does it make to borrow the money from China to send rebates to each of us. Why can't the government just say, "Hey, we are broke and don't have any money to give out". Bush is just hoping to look like a hero for a while but don't forget it has to be paid back with interest. STUPID IDEA.
comment by gapeach on Mar 23, 2008 4:46 PM ()
I live in florida, so it could be driven year round.
comment by pecan on Mar 23, 2008 8:46 AM ()
3.50 is about average here too. I heard it is over 5.00 in northern Cal. There is no point in how they take/hand out money.....things are soooooo messed up. I am ready to sell my crappy car for a scooter. I used to have one and I could drive all week on a couple bucks worth of gas. The 50cc scooters are fine for city driving and no insurance is needed.
comment by pecan on Mar 23, 2008 8:46 AM ()
You still get a rebate if your on disability. 300$ I think. The money is supposed to stimulate our economy as everyone dashes out to buy themselves something the media told them they needed. The Gov is borrowing from Peter so Paul can buy the people who support the Gov. can keep increasing profits they don't even need because they have more actual money than the Gov.
With Gas prices and such I can't see anything being stimulated....
I am curious to see what happens to gas prices when the checks are sent out. They may take a plunge during that time. wouldn't that be fishy?.
comment by pecan on Mar 23, 2008 8:28 AM ()

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