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I Need Your Input!
I Need Your Input!
85% of Americans profess to be Christians.(Source for these Christian statistics: Ash, Russell. The Top 10 of Everything, DK Publishing, Inc.: New York (1997), pg. 160-161; December Advance Newsletter, 1996, Kainos Press;
The survey states that it does not distinguish the level these people practice their Christian faith.
This is not a preachy post. I simply want to pose some questions here.
Do you believe that God speaks to people through the Holy Spirit?
That reminds me of a joke I heard once. Someone said that we are considered spiritual when we speak to God but crazy when we state that God has spoken back to us.
Is living a "good" life but not going to church nor studying the Bible enough to get us to Heaven if we believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God?
If we have committed a sin of fornication, can we be forgiven without confessing the sin, even though we are at peace with it and have lived a "good" life every since?
What is our purpose here on earth? Is this all there is?
If one had to give up his family in order to save his soul, should he?
I'm not judging. I'm just asking. I want to know what my fellow blogsters think and how they would answer these questions.
posted on Mar 19, 2008 10:26 PM ()
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It's between a person and their God.
God is a lot better at forgiving that human beings are.
Jesus said "Love one another" NOT "Judge one another"!