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The Mental Institution

Life & Events > Five Point Restraints

Five Point Restraints

I understand the plight of the insect trapped in the snare of a spider. It isn't their eminent death torturing them but rather the binding of movement.

The confusion, the chaos, the noise, it was more than overwhelming at times. There was no escaping it, for sanity did not begin until one was outside the gates of the hospital. My mind seemed to convulse from deep within its skull, making sounds that clashed with the real world. I closed my eyes to shield them from colorful daggers of light that threatened me.

With knees bent and pulled into my chest, sitting in the hard blue chair, I began to rock. I needed to sooth my mind, and at that moment, the rocking allowed me a comfort a could not get elsewhere. A passing tech asked if I wanted to go into the quiet room, without the door locked, just to relax. Her offer sounded oddly appealing and I thought it couldn't hurt. I was wrong.
She forgot to mention my voluntary rest to the incoming shift and before long I found the door locked. My emotions were either flat or inflated, and right now it was the latter. My frustration grew as my words fractured and twisted before leaving my mouth. Damn medication, always scrambling my words.
"Let me out, I'm new....I mean, I came here before, I mean on my own." Damn medication.
I could usually handle the 90mg of Haldol they gave me. 100mg was the legal limit, and a nurse commented to me once that they left 10mg off just in case they wanted to give me a shot. However, when my mind was at its weakest, that 90mg left me drooling.

"Calm down, were just going to put you in restraints until we find out whats going on, and you calm down".
Damn, why the hell was everyone always telling me to calm down! It just succeeded in getting me worked up!
I had been in restraints on many occasions, but I must admit that I usually deserved it. For me, restraints were the ultimate torture, but I had learned to disappear while in them now, so I could take it.
I did not give them the satisfaction of a fight, instead I walked to the restraint room and positioned myself on the metal table for them.
Before they could get the straps fastened around my ankles, wrists, and waist, I, was already gone.

posted on Mar 24, 2008 6:52 PM ()


just reading this is making my heart race and my hands sweat. I could not be restrained!! Panic is starting I admire your strength!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 28, 2008 12:49 PM ()
Hmmm, sometimes I learn to disappear, even today... I think on blogsites I'm known for doing this. Sometimes my husband has to repeat something 3 times before I realize he's talking to me. I feel a little ADD these days.

I think I'm avoiding talking about your subject because it is so real that it rather hurts.
comment by sunlight on Mar 25, 2008 6:39 PM ()
That much medication was a restraint of itself, and totally uncalled for from the sounds of it..
comment by ekyprogressive on Mar 25, 2008 1:32 PM ()
Its been twenty five years away from the American "dungeons" for me. Your awakening many demons, stuffed down deep, for a long long time....but...perhaps it is time they "had some air." Thanks pecan, for speaking out and remembering so many details.
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 25, 2008 12:40 PM ()
I don't understand how you remember things so vividly while being drugged so heavily. It has been my experience that when people go threw a breakdown that lands them in a mental hospital a lot of it is pretty hazy.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Mar 25, 2008 11:45 AM ()
Wow... I'd like to think that things have come a long way since the era you spent medicated and confined, but even with the knowledge and advances we have now, I can't help but wonder how many others could share similar horror stories that continue to exist today.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 25, 2008 10:27 AM ()
Mike worked at the State Hospital and he is a MSW social
worker there.We seemed to have things organized here.'
The hospital has been rated and one of the best here.
Though he does not tell me stories as he is not supposed to.
But have not heard any bad things that happen to the patient
comment by fredo on Mar 25, 2008 9:52 AM ()
Pecan, I'm a registered nurse who took her psych training in the early 60's at the
Florida State Mental Hospital at Tallahassee (where I've heard
Ken Kesey based his "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" novel.) It
was barbaric, dark ages, medieval stuff--Thorazine was the drug of
choice for almost every patient back then. It kept the patient's
zombie-fied, but there were very few ways to handle mental illness
then--the age of modern psychotrophic drugs weren't on the market.
We students assisted in shock treatments. Thank God by this time
lobotomies weren't being done anymore-not to my knowledge. The
months spent there are burned in my brain.
comment by susil on Mar 25, 2008 9:29 AM ()
You are still able to describe these experiences so vividly. They seem to be happening right at the very moment that I am reading about them. My heart bleeds!
comment by angiedw on Mar 25, 2008 1:06 AM ()

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