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The Mental Institution

Life & Events > Home Sweet Home?

Home Sweet Home?

I stood in the doorway. I always stood in doorways.

"Dr. why do you hug Mary like that?"
Hmmhmm, "Come in Pecan, Mary we'll talk again tomorrow."

Mary's father was overly friendly, and I think the doc was too. I met a lot of "Marys" over the years...they all had the same look in their eyes, a look that said I'm broken but nobody supposed to know......I wondered when they got their cloudy eyes? Was it the first time their daddies hurt them, or the first time they blamed themselves. They all blamed the back of their minds. It was what drove their madness.

A transplant from Germany, the doctor's words were difficult to follow. I strained to hear every word he spoke as I was sure he purposfully thickened it to sneak important information passed me.

"Pecan, come in and take another test for me won't you?"

Why do I take so many tests, do you give them to everyone?

"Always questions with you, just take it please."

Picking up the three inch yellow pencil I checked off all the answers that best suited me.
The truth is, none of the answers ever suited me.
The questions asked always gave me more questions and without the answers to those.....

How difficult to force my pencil into action. To choose an answer I felt less than sure about. To commit to an answer without all the was painful.

Finally done, I slid him the results.

"Tell me Pecan, what is it you think about day? The nurse tells me you sit and stare at nothing for hours at a time.....thinking."

I would like to go home, I said without looking at him. It wasn't what I thought about all day, but it was the truth.

"Home? mean to NYF?"

Yes...if you'll discharge me I can hitch there. You will never see me again.

"I think we can get you an Interstate Transport voucher."

You mean, I can get a free bus ticket?

"No, we will fly you there, with an escort, of course."

What?? I have been here almost a year and your telling me this now? I can go back home? I can fly...for free?
Man, I could feel the warm light of the sun dancing across my face, and taste the sweetness of freedom already.
It was all to good to be true.

That's right, it was all to good to be true.

Man, shit just keeps happening.....

posted on Apr 2, 2008 7:08 PM ()


I'm also glad no one allowed you to die... you are inspiring...
comment by clovis on Apr 9, 2008 4:21 AM ()
Ugh... they dangle a carrot and then take it away. Therapy is supposed to help... not harm.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 7, 2008 8:39 PM ()
There are indeed too many Mary's in the world and I am/was one of them!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 6, 2008 7:54 PM ()
it's odd, isn't it. Such cruelty, if perpetrated on animals, would be a criminal offence.It's the same with dying. We humanely 'put down' animals suffering incurable and unremitting agony, but inhumanely force ill, old and infirm humans to suffer for years, even if they beg to be assisted, or allowed to die.
comment by clovis on Apr 5, 2008 11:46 PM ()
comment by docrock on Apr 5, 2008 5:14 PM ()
I agree with Sunlight. False hope cannot possibly be good therapy for anyone. People who abuse children--their own or someone else's--should be castrated.
comment by redimpala on Apr 3, 2008 7:27 AM ()
There are too many of those Mary(s) in the world! So very sad!
comment by angiedw on Apr 3, 2008 2:36 AM ()
Oh, my! If it wasn't true... what a mean doctor! Give hope and snatch it away...
comment by sunlight on Apr 3, 2008 12:50 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Apr 2, 2008 7:44 PM ()

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