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The Mental Institution

Life & Events > I Lost ... ... Again

I Lost ... ... Again

It is so hard being locked away where those in charge can do anything they like to you. If a convicted felon speaks of injustices they will find an ear. If one is mentally ill, all credibility is lost along with any counted voice of protest.

"It's too much! Your trying to give me too much!" I pleaded with the medication nurse. She wasn't really a nurse, but she had a certificate allowing her to dispense drugs to us.
"It's too much! Look at them, they look the same but they are different doses!"

I did not understand why Thorazine looked the same whether it was 100, 200, 400, or 700mg( I don't even think they come that big anymore) tablets. They were all round, and brownish in color.
My anxiety over this was quickly reaching monumental proportion. I took 1800mg of Thorazine daily, if I was given even one or two 700 instead of a 400mg pill, I was taking more than the law allowed. I knew I took at least 2400mg on many days.
I had no voice. I had no choice. I could not win.....but I just had to try.

"It is too much! I don't want it! Just look at it! It says 700 on it. They look the same! You do this every day!"
Louder now... "I can't take that much, please, it's too much, please!" Even in my numbed out state of mind I had to hold back the tears. "Please?"
"Why, why, why" tears began breaking through the mental barrier I put up.
I saw her hand reach for the "need assistance" button.
"Noooooooo, I will take it, never mind, please, just give it to me."
It was too late, she pressed it. Even through my tear filled eyes I could see her smirking, delighted over what was to come.
Even though the shot they gave me was not of the dose the "nurse" attempted to give, the fact it was injected made it much more potent.
Thorazine no longer brought about a dark veil to cover me, but time and dosage, allowed it many other disturbing powers.
Sitting in the corner of the "quiet room", leaning my head against the padded wall, I disappeared. Others could see me, and touch me, but "I" was gone.
I had lost.....again.

posted on Mar 23, 2008 7:33 PM ()


Pecan; "The Snake Pit" is a must see. It's an old
movie starring Olivia De Havilland-- a woman's
experience in a mental institution. Authentic
and wonderfully acted.
comment by susil on Mar 25, 2008 7:47 PM ()
Pecan, one thing I have come to realize just from decades of
living, is that there is a fine line between what is seen as
"sanity" and insanity. And there are some sadistic sob's in the
medical field--(I always think of Nurse Ratched) and there are a lot
of bored, only working for a paycheck, people working in institutions.
Yet there are some who do care and have the patient's best interest
at heart. PS Did you ever see the movie "The Snake Pit? susil
comment by susil on Mar 25, 2008 9:42 AM ()
Padded wall? Where do you live?
comment by docrock on Mar 24, 2008 11:44 AM ()
Wow. To think that the "nurse" would take sick pleasure in watching her, patients... suffer. It sounds sadistic.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 24, 2008 8:30 AM ()
I know that a lot of overdosing has gone on in mental institutions, nursing homes and other places. This is where family even now should be very diligent in demanding a list and dosage of the medications there loved ones may be receiving.
comment by redimpala on Mar 24, 2008 2:06 AM ()
There has been a huge increase in mental and physical abuse of people in aged care facilities in Australia -- the same sorts of sadistic types gravitate to all places where fragile, defenceless people are living. It is not necessary to have any qualification or certificate or anything to be a 'carter' in a nursing home ... that's why thousands of oldies are suiciding long before their use-by date, to avoid being forced in to 'care'.
comment by clovis on Mar 23, 2008 11:15 PM ()
How cold or unfeeling would one have to be to not hear the cries of plea from you and so many others? Not a job for me!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 23, 2008 10:20 PM ()
Years ago when I was about 19 years old, I was a fairly heavy drug user. To make a long story short, I wound up on a "mental ward." I WAS out of it at the time, but pretty much when the street drugs had worn off I think I would have been fine. I was scared and suspicious of the other patients, so a fight or two (or more) broke out and I got the Thorazine needle too. I took on six staff at one time once in a fight, I lost...eventually, but its one of my all time favorite memories believe it or not. I STILL got the needle "in the end" :), but it took six of them to give it to me and get me to the "quiet room.". Hope your doing swell, ya sound fine. The staff were truly ghouls, Nazi's just plain bad people. I finally shut up about them because...well, I suppose by now you know that few listen anyway. Your post brought back a lot of bittersweet memories. Hang tough, as you know, it get's better.
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 23, 2008 9:58 PM ()
Thorazine is an incredibly powerful drug used primarily for quieting delusion for someone in an acute state. Levels use to decrease until the maintenance state was seem perfectly rational to me and I'm wondering why they're bringing on this heavy artillery?
comment by strider333 on Mar 23, 2008 7:44 PM ()

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