Ya know, my sister never really made "peace" with my Dad before he died either, If your not already doing so, try and help him find peace with him now, it will only benefit him. I tried to tell her, "he's dying, all bets are off, all that doesn't matter now", but she didn't listen until it was to late really. She doesn't really say so, but I know it only hurt her, not him. My Dad was an alcoholic with everything that goes with it but in the end, although HE DID hurt me very much, I'll be eternally grateful for that last year.
My Dad died February 27, 2007, I know exactly how you feel. My Dad and I had some MAJOR differences when he was alive. He got liver cancer and I would go see him as much as I could the last year of his life. We got closer than we ever had been before. I had not cried but about three times since around the fourth grade but when he died I could not stop crying. I'll be thinking about ya, and when the blues creep in I'll remember you in my prayers...Bill
Congratulations!!! I was hoping we would have twins, my wife's a twin so there was that chance but it didn't happen....oh well, my wife will be fifty in a couple years so maybe it can still happen if I trade her in for two twenty five year old's ...JUST KIDDING! (I know I'll get hurt for that)
I like mybloggers too, I stayed on bugster as well though, at least for now but I'm on MyBloggers because of eddie. I don't see how he does it but he's everywhere fixing everything for everybody all the time! His picture should be next to "costomer service" in the dictionary...lol.
I actually DID laugh out loud...especially loved the last one...
Yep, you sound like you've got "it" as bad as I do... If they ever cancel LOST we'll have to start some kind of support group...
If I didn't know so many similar storys it would be hard to believe this one. These things are funny, sad, and provoke intense anger at the same time. When did we start putting the "village idiots" in charge of our school children. It sure causes one to worry about the future of America.
I don't know when I've had more fun reading a blog....thank you all!
I'll give ya a couple more. Unfortunatly I can't remeber WHERE it happened but I remember a THIRD grader kissing a girl (just a shy peck like we ALL did...at least I did) and he was suspended for SEXUAL HARRASMENT! The administrater that did that should have been fired for moronic stupidity. Another was a kid that DREW A PICTURE of a gun (and it wasn't even a good likeness of a gun) and was suspended for something like terrorist threat behavior or something to that effect. You hit a hot button for me, these idiots running the schools now are turning out very confused kids. I could go on and on but I won't write a blog here....maybe I'll compile a bunch of these things and write a post about it....it's sad but its also ridiculas and needs to be stopped!
well GM, you just confirmed my worst fears and gave me new ones....thanks pal........loved it! You're Not getting older your getting better...at lying about it all...
Hey, I'm thinking about selling "carbon credits"....any takers...