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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Education > The New Drug of Choice

The New Drug of Choice

Now, trust me, I have nothing against the school systems in this country. I myself was an educator for over twelve years, and my wife retired from teaching after thirty-six years. In spite of the fact that the Republicans are trying to dismantle public education with their “No Child Left Behind” lunacy, I think the system, in general, is a good one.
My problems lie not with the education system, but with some of the morons (and I use that term as objectively as possible) who are running it!
This past week here in Connecticut, there was a major “school issue” story on the local newscasts. The details were as follows:
An eighth grader in New Haven by the name of Michael Sheridan bought a package of contraband from another student in the hallways of his middle school. He was caught red-handed as this drug deal was going down, and the principal took swift and immediate action. She suspended the culprit for three days, stripped him of his title of Vice-President of his class, and banned him from attending a honors award dinner. (Michael is an honors student.)
Well, Michael’s parents thought that the punishment was way too harsh. They were in the principal’s office the next day, pleading for leniency for their son. The principal, after hearing their arguments, recanted slightly, and reduced the suspension from three days to one. However, the stripping of the boy’s class office and his banishment from the awards dinner was kept in place.
I’m sure that some of you are thinking that the Michael’s parents should have stayed out of the entire affair, and that the principal should not have backed down and lessened the boy’s punishment. After all, he was caught violating school policy and participated in purchasing contraband on school property. Right?
Would you change your mind if it were revealed to you that the drug involved in this event was not marijuana or cocaine or heroin? In fact, the contraband in question was sugar. Sugar in the form of a package of Skittles.
Michael bought a package of Skittles from a friend in the school hallway. The school has a “no sweets” rule in the building to promote healthy eating habits. Michael got suspended, stripped of his office, and banned from the awards dinner…for Skittles. (I guess everybody in the sugar-drug culture knows that the use of Skittles often leads the use of hard candy.)
There is a ban on candy and soft drinks in the school to promote healthier eating habits. (First of all, is that the school’s responsibility? I mean, I can understand teaching good eating habits in health class, but isn’t that crossing some kind of line when the school makes eating sugar a crime? Also, if you ask me, the reprimanding of children for bad eating habits is up to the parents’ discretion, not the school’s. Big Brother is definitely watching!) What do you want to bet that bottled water, with all of those petroleum bi-products leeching into it from the plastic containers, and fruit juices that are teeming with fructose, (When it was discovered that I was diabetic, the FIRST thing Dr. Kristin removed from my diet was fruit and fruit juice!) are being sold in the cafeteria?

Exactly what do school officials who impose such harsh punishments for such minute infractions think that they are accomplishing? Do they think that they are teaching the students fairness?
In keeping with my new anger at politcal correctness running amok in schools, I present you with the following true story.

Do they think that they are teaching students to respect the rules of the school, and, by extension, the laws of society?
I contend that they are doing the just the opposite. They are teaching kids to buck the system, and they are causing kids to adopt an “Us-Against-Them” attitude when it comes to authority and rules.
After an onslaught of public scorn and outrage due to media attention, the principal took away the Michael’s suspension altogether, and she reinstated him as vice-president of his class. He did, however miss his Honors Award dinner.
The principal defended herself by stating that Michael broke a rule. She also said that fact that kids were selling candy in the hallways was a safety concern, because they could get robbed.
My suggestion then? Let’s legalize sugar, and not just for medicinal purposes, either.! That way, we be making fewer criminals, put the pushers out of business, and lower the crime rate in our corridors!

posted on Mar 15, 2008 9:33 AM ()


Psst..hey you, I have a bag of Skittles I will sell for....
comment by singlemom on Apr 2, 2008 10:09 AM ()
Skittles??? Good grief! He was not able to attend the honors dinner because he bought a bag of skittles?
comment by hopefields on Mar 19, 2008 1:30 AM ()
Wow! In my former school the teachers would have been suspended! I recall some of us dropping an M&M (just one -- how much do teachers make anyway?) on the desk of students busily doing whatever they were supposed to be doing.
comment by sunlight on Mar 18, 2008 12:05 PM ()
It's the old Barney Fife "making an example of him". Unfortunately, school kids are always guilty until proven innocent. They have no lawyers to defend them. Little wonder corporal punishment has been banned in most schools (that's ok by me).
comment by solitaire on Mar 17, 2008 12:07 PM ()
As an educator, you are so on the money. For a long time if two students were caught fighting both got 10 days, then they decided that it's okay to let a student defend themselves (they only get 1 or 2 days). Depends on who starts the fight. I remember a kid trying to grab my oldest child by the throat in middle school and my son took him down. He got suspended and we got angry. We went in and said, "Yeah, right, so when another student attacks him, he's suppose to go find a teacher, while crawling on the floor trying to catch his breath because his trachea is damaged?" They took the suspension off. They can't get it right and don't now either!
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 17, 2008 9:19 AM ()
Wow. Xtreme. Skittles as contraband... what next?
comment by november on Mar 17, 2008 9:15 AM ()
Hayduke: Your wife made it to 36 years in the classroom? Heck, I wimped out after 8 years in the regular classroom and then became a librarian (my current position in the school district). Yes, our schools are plagued with nutty administrators. Idiotic LEGISLATORS force insane "education bills" down our throats. I have seen so many teachers quit the profession after only 2-3 years. In Texas and Oklahoma they now want kids to have "freedom of religion" on tests and homework (HB 2211 in OK, sponsored by Rep. Sally Kern). This means that if Johnny's "religious viewpoints" are in conflict with, um, say, scientific theory, he can write whatever lunacy his parents force-fed him on the exam and Johnny gets credit!!! So the kid who actually STUDIED is the only one penalized for a WRONG answer!!LOL!!!
We are a nation of proud illiterates.
Here is a link to the story:

comment by barbiebrains on Mar 17, 2008 6:42 AM ()
If I didn't know so many similar storys it would be hard to believe this one. These things are funny, sad, and provoke intense anger at the same time. When did we start putting the "village idiots" in charge of our school children. It sure causes one to worry about the future of America.
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 16, 2008 2:22 PM ()
Wow! That's unbelievable! I too love your line, ""...use of Skittles leads to the use of hard candy." Good one!
comment by mellowdee on Mar 15, 2008 9:32 PM ()
That is just so wrong what the school did. This is crazy.
comment by texastar on Mar 15, 2008 8:12 PM ()
You have got to be kidding, that is the dumbest thing I've heard in awhile...that's just going to far. That and the one I heard about a school banning playing tag because kids could get hurt. Unbelievable
comment by elfie33 on Mar 15, 2008 8:10 PM ()
You left out the most important part--how much did he have to pay for the Skittles???? Maybe I can supplement my social security by going to high schools selling them!!!
What's crazy not only do I believe this but that it happened!!!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 15, 2008 6:30 PM ()
You have got to be kidding!!!! This really made me mad! I am all for healthy living, but this is stepping WAY WAY over the line! I personally would have fought this in court!

ps.......... HI JIM!!!!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Mar 15, 2008 5:03 PM ()
"...use of Skittles leads to the use of hard candy." Great line!!
comment by looserobes on Mar 15, 2008 11:38 AM ()
OMG this is just so unreal!!! SO UNREAL! Did I mention it's crazy? Well it is. At first I was like hello overprotective parents let your kid take the heat for dealing drugs but SKITTLES??? SKITTLES????
Dayum. This country is WACK!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 15, 2008 11:15 AM ()

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