Mary and I are doing something tomorrow that we haven’t done for a long, long time. We’re spending the next four days in Maine skiing. We’ve rented a ski-on, ski-off condo for four days, and we will spend the very long weekend skiing, hot-tubbing, and eating badly.
We also just booked our round-trip air passage from CT to TN for the middle of April. Mary’s aunt has a farm in Pulaski, and we will be spending time there for her 85th birthday.
I love TN! I’ll spend the time listening to the birds, engaging in wonderful conversations, enjoying the sunshine, smelling the flowers, writing and playing my dulcimer for hours on end!
Tomorrow morning, I go to have my blood work done to find out if and how my life style will change in the near future. (No worries. I’ll give up more sweets if I need to lower my blood sugar still more. Besides, I’ve lost almost 20 pounds since the last blood work three months ago. I should be in good shape. We’ll see.)
I’m going to auditions tonight for a comedy called You Can’t Take It With You. I’m auditioning for two roles. The first is a grandfather of a very eccentric and dysfunctional family. The second is an Italian immigrant who makes his living by manufacturing fireworks in his basement. Funny show. I truly hope I get a role. It’s been a while since I’ve been on stage.
Two of my scripts are currently being considered for production next year by a theater company with strong ties to The Eugene O’Neill Theater here in Connecticut. This could be interesting.
I was called by another theater group two weeks ago. They asked me if I would be interested in directing a comedy called Leading Ladies. They sent me the script. I love it. I said yes. The show is slated to go up in November. It should be a lot of fun.
Business is booming. There is more work than we can handle right now, and our backlog of work is currently greater that $1.6 million.
Mary is excited ordering beautiful new hardwood fencing for all the pastures.
Spring is on the way, and just in time too. The old woodpile in the back yard is fading fast!
As I re-read this post, I realize that all of the things talked about here, with the exception of the wood pile, are due to Mary. Without her, I wouldn't have had the self-confidence to do any of the things listed, including the writing, acting, directing, and business ventures. It is without exaggeration when I say everything I am, I owe to my wonderful wife.
I hope you all have a great holiday.
See you on Tuesday!