Bumper stickers used to be a real medium in this country, especially back during the revolution of the 1960's and 1970's. The Viet Nam was raging, and I had a bumper sticker on my car that said, "Come Clean Dick!" refering, of course, to Richard Nixon.
During Nixon's run for relection in the early 70's, Watergate happened, Nixon publicly denied having anything to do with the crime. His campaign slogan prior to that was, "Nixon's The One!" When the country was looking for the individuals behind the Watergate break-in, I saw a number of bumper stickers that said, "NOW Nixon's the One!"
Also, in the 1972 campaign, The Viet Nam was a HUGE issue, and Dick Nixon was firmly behind keeping our troops over there. A bumper sticker came out saying, "Would you pull out your Dick in the midst of a screw? Vote for Nixon in '72!"
Maybe the Republicans are revitalizing the bumper sticker industry. One bumper sticker I saw yesterday said, "We're creating enemies faster than we can kill them!"
Another one said, "George W. - What he doesn't know can kill you."