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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Hayduke's Pet Peeves (Part 1)

Hayduke's Pet Peeves (Part 1)

We all have things that, for some unknown reason, bug the heck out of us. Don't we? Or am I just being presumptuous in thinking that I am really normal?
I mean, don't we all have little things that, for reasons that escape us, just crawl under our skins and fester?
Oh well!
Anyway, here a few of my pet peeves.
Enjoy. (And feel free to add your own in comments, if you'd like.)

1. Commercials that say, “Come in and get your FREE gift!” Aren’t all gifts free to the receiver? (Well, there are the gifts from my mother that aren’t technically “free” because they come with strings attached, but besides those…?)

2. The phrase, “be that as it may.” Wouldn’t it be easier just to say, “anyway”?

3. The same with the phrase, “having said that.”

4. Some (not all, mind you, Kris!) politically correct women who joyfully announce to the world that “We’re pregnant!” (The “we” being they and their partner), thus acknowledging that the male has at least a SMALL investment in the whole thing. However, when they opt for abortion they proclaim, “My body, my choice.”

5. “Snuck.” It’s not a word. Look it up. The word is “sneaked.”

6. Women who consider it murder if a pregnant woman gets kicked in the stomach and looses the baby. (It’s okay to say “baby” in this context.) But these same women would consider it just getting rid of “a bundle of cells” if the pregnant woman had decided to abort the same fetus.

7. Cell phones. Remember when all phones did was receive and send phone calls? Why do they have to do all of these things now that I can’t figure out? Text messaging. Playing music. Playing movies. Sending pictures. Are they trying to make me feel stupid on purpose? Also, remember when there was such a thing as privacy and peace and quiet? Now, with the widespread use of cell phones, when you miss a call, no matter where you are, you really have to try to miss it. The person doing the calling knows this and usually assumes that you really don’t want to talk to him or her. It never crosses their minds that maybe you don’t want to talk to them or ANYBODY when you are undergoing a prostate exam!

8. Mike Huckabee

9. Residual, Catholic guilt. I haven’t been Catholic for over twenty years. Why do the Baltimore Catechism and The Sisters of Mercy still haunt me? Even if I do something as small as tell a little, white lie, I tell it, and then I wince, cringe and brace myself, waiting for God to smack me in the back of the head with a two-by-four.

10. Local car dealership commercials. Ever see these morons? Who told them that they could act? Some of these commercials are so bad that I actually get embarrassed watching them.

11. Good people dying just because they are old.

12. The fact that dogs have such short life-spans.

13. Dr. Phil. The man makes thirty million dollars a year. (That’s for real - $30,000,000.00!) And he makes all that money simply by providing a forum that allows idiots to expose their dirty laundry on syndicated television! If he really wanted to help people, wouldn’t he open a private practice, and, now that he’s a billionaire, offer his services pro bono? “How’d that work for ya, Phil?”

14. Having Type Two Diabetes. It sucks. My grandfather died from the disease. It was also a contributing factor in my dad’s death six years ago. Now, for me, more exercise, no sugar in my coffee, no fruit juice, and Dr. Kristin frowns at me and lectures every time I tell her that I still consume alcohol. (What can I say? The woman is in love with me.)

15. Never having lived up to my dad’s expectations. (Even after years of psychoanalysis and gallons of alcoholic beverages, this still eats at me.)

posted on Feb 15, 2008 6:34 AM ()


People that say say "worser"....ugh!...(there goes that eye twitch again!)
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 1, 2008 6:37 PM ()
A London firm wanted to reward my website with a check for $850,000. Three exchanges in the mail passed before they asked me for $822 to cover the bank transfer fee.
They refused to take the fee from my $850,000.
A month later a Nigerian firm made me a similar offer.
It's nice to meet new friends.
comment by bumpedoff on Feb 18, 2008 7:32 AM ()
WOW! Too much! If it weren't for the Catholic part, I'd think we were separated twins (plus the age diff.)! I wholeheartedly agree to each and every pet peeve mentioned. Life's a #####.
comment by solitaire on Feb 18, 2008 6:53 AM ()
Well... what happened to my comments? Try all over again?
#13. Heard Dr. Phil can't practice... lost his license. Checked Wikipedia, and found he has a very shady past which may be how he got his millions!
#9. I'm told it's true.
#11 & #12
#14. Aren't all women?
#15. Yes, you have & never knew it.
comment by sunlight on Feb 17, 2008 7:57 PM ()
I mean post.
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 15, 2008 1:37 PM ()
dude your blogster blog has been NUKED!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 15, 2008 1:37 PM ()
Great stuff. NOthing is free. EVerytime I see that I look for the fine print!
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 15, 2008 10:41 AM ()

So by number 4 and number 6 I would take that to mean you aren't a fan of hypocrites. I don't think anyone is, yet we all are at times...

One of my biggest pet peeves is someone telling me how much they love animals, can't imagine people who support animal cruelty, yet munch on a huge burger or chicken sandwich without an ounce of thought. Hypocritical at it's finest in my world...
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 15, 2008 8:45 AM ()
Great List! I include the "talk" box when you order food. A simple " One large coffee, two creams and 4 sugars"... well, you never know what you get until you get there.
comment by cindy on Feb 15, 2008 7:37 AM ()
...or commercials that say "free gift" but you have to buy something to get it. I can agree with just about all of these. good post, Jimmy.
yer having said that....pal
comment by honeybugg on Feb 15, 2008 7:10 AM ()

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