I usually catch up on all the shows I have Tivo’d through the week… The View, Idol (If I didn’t already watch it) Grays Anatomy and of course Lost!

Watching the teaser last week I knew we would find out who was last to be rescued as well as who was on the boat (My guess was Michael) – So of course I was very anxious to see this episode!
Armed with my coffee and remote I snuggled under my throw and went looking for Lost… Upon finding it I noticed the episode has only recorded 12 minutes!!! WTF?

After an exhausting 20 minutes of interrogating my family I came to learn MJ had been downstairs when it was recording and felt he wanted to watch something else… So…. He canceled it!! Why he didn’t watch something upstairs in his room is still a mystery!?! Grrrr
So my plea to all of you today is this – If you watched the show, please fill me in – I will send you money, cookies, car parts, my first born.... you name it!!
Until then…
