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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Life & Events > Relationships > A Saturday Morning with Gramma and Grampy

A Saturday Morning with Gramma and Grampy

When I woke up this morning, it was snowing out. It was a soft, cottony, heavy-flaked snow that, in the conspicuous absence of wind, leisurely drifted to the ground. A thick, wet, snow, great for snowball packing and Frosty making.
I got dressed and, without waking Mary, sneaked out of the bedroom and checked on the grandkids. Both were sound asleep in their room, their little, yellow heads all but lost as they popped out from under a sea of quilts in that huge bed.

I carefully shut their bedroom door and headed downstairs to make the coffee, let Dixie and Smokey out, and stoke the fire in the woodstove.
About an hour later, I was upstairs again in the computer room when I heard two tiny voices call out from the bedroom across the hall. “Gramma? Grampy?”
I slowly opened the door, and there they both were, still under the covers, but this time their eyes were wide and their brows were furrowed. Something was in the closet making knocking noises. I explained to them that there was nothing to be concerned about. The noises came from the pipes of the heating system that making bang and clang as they expand and contract.
They both just looked at me, totally unconvinced.
I opened the closet and gave it a thorough and complete inspection.
“Better now?”
Two cherub heads nodded with relief and gratitude.
It was time to get up anyway.
“Who wants to go out to barn and feed the horses with Grampy?”
They both bolted out of the bed, slipped into their sweatshirts and boots like it was nobody’s business, and then flew down the stairs, all the while making sure that they didn’t make any noise to wake up Gramma.
After boots, hats, mittens and coats were donned, off went this hail and hearty trio to brave everything that winter had to offer on our way to the horsebarn.
“I want to feed Mariah and Hoo! They’re my favorites!” Alyssa announced.
“I want Shasta and Angel!” Lainie chimed in.
Grampy loaded the scoops with grain and supplements, and then lifted each granddaughter up so that she could put the food in each of the horse’s individual feeding stations. Then, we hayed the critters and checked on their water supply.
Next, a snowball fight ensued. All while Grampy shoveled the walkway from the back porch to the garage, two little pixies kept sneaking up on him from behind the trees and pelting him with snowballs. Every time the old man turned around to face his assailants, they magically disappeared back into the woods, leaving no trace whatsoever of their presence!
When the shoveling was finished, it was time for breakfast.
“What do you want? Pancakes? Scrambled eggs? French toast?”
Nope. They both wanted Froot Loops.
“Uh-huh! But it has to be the Froot Loops that we only get here. The ones that come in the special little boxes that you can cut the sides open, pour the milk in there, and eat out of the boxes!”
Simple enough!
A high-sugar-content breakfast? You bet!. But this is Grampy’s and Gramma’s house. It’s expected.
After breakfast, a coloring book session broke out on the dining room table while Grampy had a cup of coffee. Then, it was time to make chocolate chip cookies with him.
While the last of the cookies were baking, Gramma made her way downstairs to a flourish of squeals and salutaions that were fit for the grand entrance of royalty.

As I sit here at the computer right now, Her Royal Highness and the two kids are out in the dooryard putting the final touches on two absolutely magnificent snowmen.

Life is good at Gramma and Grampy’s farm.

posted on Mar 1, 2008 2:08 PM ()


Aawwwwwwwwshuucccccccccckkkkksss , Beautiful girls "Gramps"!
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 3, 2008 4:08 PM ()
They're adorable! You must be so proud.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 1, 2008 11:34 PM ()
Wow! That sounds like so much fun. The grandkids are precious looking. Great pictures!
comment by hopefields on Mar 1, 2008 10:03 PM ()
How wonderful! Everything is better at the grandparents house.The girls are absolutely beautiful~ Iknow you just melt when they are around
comment by cindy on Mar 1, 2008 7:26 PM ()
Those two girls are cuties! Thanks for sharing.
comment by busymichmom on Mar 1, 2008 6:14 PM ()
omg they are ADORABLE!!! YAY! Sounds like you are giving them memories like you just shared with us recently. Priceless.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 1, 2008 2:47 PM ()
they are so cute!
comment by nandavampire on Mar 1, 2008 2:36 PM ()
Your granddaughters are simply beautiful!As I read your post, it reminded me of the weekends I spent with my own grandparents when I was young. Grandma alway let me drink Coke from a can with a bendy straw, and she always had Zesta Saltines, Cracker Barrel cheese, and Archway cookies. I could go on and on with the memories, but the important thing is that I have these memories.
I'll probably be a grandmother within the next 10 years or so. I'll be ready for the role, because I learned how to do it from the one of the best.
Enjoy your weekend.
comment by beabea on Mar 1, 2008 2:21 PM ()
Wonderful!!! I had no idea they still made those little eat-it-in-the-box-with-milk cereals. Great photo of the future cheerleaders, Grampy.
comment by looserobes on Mar 1, 2008 2:20 PM ()
Wow, they are beautiful and you had a wonderful day together. What a gift! Each moment like this you just store away as a memory to be pulled out when you need them most. How precious
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 1, 2008 2:20 PM ()

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