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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Computing & Technology > Blogging > No Mandatory Tagging

No Mandatory Tagging

On the old blogging site, whose name we dare not speak aloud, a tradition called "tagging" developed. It was an exercise where one blogger would come up with ten, fifteen or twenty questions and send them to three other bloggers. Those three unlucky bloggers would answer those questions and then "tag" three other bloggers with the same questions. This pyramid scheme would go on and on until virtually every blogger on the old site was hit. I was once hit with the same questions three times.
I do not want to get something like that started here. Neither does jjoohhnn. That's why me privately emailed me these following questions instead of formally "tagging" me with them. (A true-blue blogger can not turn down a tagging challenge. It's like being a kid in the fifties and being "Double-dog dared" to do something. You just can ignore the challenge and save face.)
Jjoohhnn is right though. In his email to me, he said that he thought I would find these questions interesting and fun. I do. That's why I decided to answer them in a post.
I am not formally "tagging" anybody with these. However, if the spirit moves you, by all means, have at it, and have fun!

1. How old are you?
I will turn 55 on April 4th. (Aries as all hell, and proud of it! Right down to being EXTREMELY left-handed.

2. What is your favorite color?
Blue, but my last three vehicles have been bright red. Just ask the cops!

3. How old were you when you got your first kiss?
Ten or Eleven. (Other than from relatives, that is!)

4. Did you ever do something illegal?
Yup! Smoked dope. Smoked cigarettes while under-aged. Drank alcohol while under-aged. Drove a motor vehicle while intoxicated or stoned numerous times. (I'm not proud of it, but you asked!)

5. What was one of your most embarrassing moments in life?
There are way too many of these to list here, but one was when I went to take a shower in a public shower, and, after I got completely naked, I realized that I was in the women's facilities. (And I was stone-cold sober too. I swear!)

6. Did you ever win anything major?
Mary Ellen. That's as major as you can get! I also won the 2003 Letter Writers Award from The Hartford Courant for a "Letter To Editor" that I composed.

7. Who was your first love?
Pammy Paley. She was also the girl who gave me my first non-relative kiss.

8. What was your first car?
A used 1964 Buick Skylark Coupe with tan, leather buckets seats. The car started off being Candy Apple Red, but, over the years it oxidized to a chalky pink.

10. Have you ever been skinny dipping?

11. Have you ever been out of the USA?
Numerous times. Studied in France, England, Germany and Belgium. Worked building schools in The Domincan Republic and Puerto Rico. Vacationed in the B.V.I., Aruba, Acapulco, Guatemala, Colombia, Cozumel, Costa Rica, Nassau and Bonaire.

12. What is your most "unfavorite" food?
Onions. I'm not too keen on Thai food either.

13. Do you have a hobby? Several. Sailing, horseback riding, alpine skiing, scuba diving, writing, attempting to be human.

14. Are you a jealous person?
Nope. I'm lucky enough to have everything that I want.

15. What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness?
Strength: humility. Weakness: hubris

posted on Mar 2, 2008 1:19 PM ()


Ok, so I was in a bad mood. Cut me some slack. I have some leftover sarcasm, but will refrain. Sorry--no offense meant.
comment by solitaire on Mar 5, 2008 7:04 AM ()
Loved reading your answers.
comment by hopefields on Mar 5, 2008 2:47 AM ()
So who cares--really? I often pretend I care about my fellow bloggers' lives, but it's a sham. And I know nobody gives a crap about mine. But we're expected to be civilized about it all. I'm just here because it's winter and I'm bored as hell. How's that for an attitude?!!
comment by solitaire on Mar 3, 2008 12:54 PM ()
Hey, it was all in fun. Nothing serious here whatsoever.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 3, 2008 9:57 AM ()
I concur, Tagging isn't the most fun thing ever! And I loooove your most embarrassing story!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 3, 2008 6:47 AM ()
My my... you were a rascal in your day!
comment by cindy on Mar 2, 2008 7:41 PM ()
Thanks for taking up the challenge, young fella. Crap! I didn't realize that I was older than you!
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 2, 2008 1:58 PM ()
Hahahaha...answer to #15 is classic.
comment by looserobes on Mar 2, 2008 1:28 PM ()

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