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It's All About Me!

Life & Events > Dad


I know some of you have alredy read this on Blogster, but I wanted to post it here as well! Sorry to duplicate!

We're coming up on 2 years since my dad has left us. Surprisingly, I made it through the whole "first's" year, except around the holidays...but for some reason, I have been really missing my dad lately. I'm not sure what's going on in my head that is making me think of him so much more right now...don't get me wrong, I think of him all of the time, just more at times than others. So, right now..I've been thinking of him alot. As I was driving home yesterday, on my 5 hour drive...I saw a bird soaring through the sky just slightly ahead of my car, and I could help but wonder if that could be my dad...guiding me down the road safely?! I think of weird things like this sometimes...and I'm sure that to some, it may even sound stupid...but to me it's not!

I guess that I am just wondering what exactly it is that triggers one's brain to miss people more at one time than at another? There isn't really anything significant going on in my life right now, that I would really "need" him for, so what could it be? Any ideas??

I also used to get really mad when people would tell me that I was acting like my dad...but now when people tell me that I am acting like makes me proud! I'm proud to be like my dad...and I feel that I am who I am today, partly because of him! Yes, I picked up some not so good traits from him, but in some situations, those not so good traits, turn out to be pretty damn useful!! One thing that I always joke about is a little saying that my dad used to have hanging up in his truck, that read: It's All About ME! Him and I would always tell him that it's NOT all about him and of course he would argue back that it was...and now I tell people that "It's All About ME!!" And I don't say it to make people think that everything needs to revolve around me, and most times I say it jokingly, but I did learn from my dad, that I need to live my life for ME and that I need to do things for ME and I need to take care of is all about me!! LOL! It's a great philosophy to live by.....


posted on Mar 17, 2008 8:40 AM ()


Ya know, my sister never really made "peace" with my Dad before he died either, If your not already doing so, try and help him find peace with him now, it will only benefit him. I tried to tell her, "he's dying, all bets are off, all that doesn't matter now", but she didn't listen until it was to late really. She doesn't really say so, but I know it only hurt her, not him. My Dad was an alcoholic with everything that goes with it but in the end, although HE DID hurt me very much, I'll be eternally grateful for that last year.
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 19, 2008 4:20 PM ()
My Dad died February 27, 2007, I know exactly how you feel. My Dad and I had some MAJOR differences when he was alive. He got liver cancer and I would go see him as much as I could the last year of his life. We got closer than we ever had been before. I had not cried but about three times since around the fourth grade but when he died I could not stop crying. I'll be thinking about ya, and when the blues creep in I'll remember you in my prayers...Bill
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 18, 2008 5:33 PM ()
That's a very sweet story about your dad. Like daremonce said below, I think we are reminded of the people we love when we're supposed to remember them, or when they are right there with us.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 18, 2008 8:16 AM ()
I'm glad you made it home safe. I hope your visit was grand as well... About your question, I think we are reminded or remember just exactly when we are supposed our loved ones. When the thought of him comes to mind If I were you I'd welcome it like a treasured friend.

Peace for now,,got to runnoft lol.
comment by daremeonce on Mar 17, 2008 10:29 AM ()

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