I go there and just go down the row looking at others blogs, see what others are writing about. Its a different group of people all the time so I sample a wide variety.
That was so very sad. I'm sorry they did that to you (and her). I hope they were caught and punished. What a sick bunch of little psyco's they were....probably are.
That was one awesome post...well done!
Thank you.
Holly. I can not tell you how your apology touched me. Of course your apology is accepted. I AM a Christian and used to being hated by the "tolerant" left as some of the other comments here show. Of course they are not comments directed to me personally but we do all tend to get lumped in together. Your not liking me was for me "to be expected", in other words, not surprising at all. What WAS a surprise was when I got your private message about apologizing and then to see this, the actual apology. I thought that was the very definition of class. P.S. You might like my latest post on Blogster...soon to follow on MyBloggers. https://justmyopinion.blogster.com/christian-witness
I miss not being able to see who visits "over there", I'm still on both for now....This one is certainly much easier to use.....I like the expressions better too. I got a feeling If I stay here , I'll be pretty lonely though....
damn those Christian gay bashing Republicans...
Thanks pal...I feel yucky....
Your site is so good and your so helpful to the users, do us all a favor huh....don't sell this one!