First let me state loud and clear that none of this is happening at mybloggers (and I hope it never does!)
Second, I have always stated that I would never go private, that I don't care who reads and/or comments on my blogs.
Third, if people want to spew hate and use rude/crude language or hate certain groups of people then let them put it on their own blogs.
Following is just one of more than a dozen comments left by this person on a blog about gay people who have been killed and/or bashed--he has, also, bashed people who have left comments on the blog:
JOEZsREPUBLICANPAGE said 3 hours ago
Back when I was 13 or 14 ,one of the fun things we use to do was find queers and beat the crap out of them and then go get a policeman and tell him that the queer was trying to get us to do nasty things ,, so we defended ourselves , the policeman would lock up the queer and thank us for being good citizens!!!!
And that's one of his milder comments. As fast as posts the comments that's how fast I delete them when I come on the Internet.
I have also deleted another bloggers comments not because he disagrees with me but because of his rude and crude speech.
I have disagreed with people, such friends as AJ, Donna, even sweet Alfredo,Holly, etc., and even those I don't know but they have been civil 'debates' and/or if they get too heated I stop commenting.
There are a few though--ironically, they call themselves 'christians' and, generally, are republicans!!!--who are full of hate and bile and will start feuds or keep reigniting them and then like cowards go running behind 'private' or send other people to fight their battles--I will delete their comments if they come to my blog and show their ignorance, homophobia or are just crude--or spew hate towards any group.
Let them say what they want at their own blogs and to their own groups.