Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Age is Just a Number and All That Bull!

Age is Just a Number and All That Bull!

To all you young (under 50) and naive people out there stop with "age is only a number", "You're only as old as you feel", "70 is the new 50", "Age is a state of mind" "But you don't look (whatever age)" and other stupid cliches like that! NONE OF IT IS TRUE!!

Tell that to the liver spots on your body--tell that to the thin, graying hair (all over LOL)--tell that to the body in the morning when the aches and pains of just waking up attack--tell that to the pot belly that grows no matter how fit and sit ups you do--tell that to your eyes when you have to wear bifocals you have to get after 50--tell that to your lungs when you have to catch your breath after going up a flight of stairs--tell that to the person who spends so much time in doctor's offices (mainly waiting to see him/her)--tell that to the image you see in the mirror and it's NOT the 30 year old you think you look like--tell that to your taste buds as they lose their taste--tell that to your teeth--tell that to the person who stays home in the evening for reasons ranging from it's too much work to go out, you start yawning at 10 PM, you feel uncomfortable driving at night just to name a few reasons--tell that to the muscle tissue that weakens even if you do work out--tell that to the mind that says, or thinks, "When I was your age...", "Young people today", etc.

And I haven't even gotten into how the body pays for the 'sins' of your youth. LOL

Don't get me wrong--I love getting old(er)--I love the way the years look on me--I love my life as it is today--(An aside--a new report in the Medical Journal shows that people over 70 are the happiest while those in their 40s are the unhappiest, as the feel the weight of unrealized potential and time and that life is more work than fun--but that's another blog--plus I told you to read "Passages"!!)

Age is not a state of mind, it's not only a number, etc., it is a reality, a physical part and a fact of life plus it also includes a lot of senior discounts! LOL

I can't wait to be 18 in 26 days!!!!

posted on Feb 3, 2008 3:46 PM ()


well GM, you just confirmed my worst fears and gave me new ones....thanks pal........loved it! You're Not getting older your getting lying about it all...
comment by justmyopinion on Mar 13, 2008 12:48 PM ()
This is all subjective and depends how you approach it. I've seen people older than I am who are friskier than people half their age, I've seen younger people more jaded and cynical than people double their age. The grey hair thing hit me early -- I started getting it when I was a teen and haven't stopped. Some of my elderly neighbors have less grey than I do (and they're quick to point it out). I'm in good shape at 40, probably better than in my 20s because I was still playing basketball and tearing up my knees then. Etc.

I think age really is just a number. And I don't need someone who hasn't reached his 18th birthday yet lecturing me to the contrary.
comment by vladimir on Feb 3, 2008 8:46 PM ()

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