This was the very first article I published when I was brand new to blogging. It will be a re-run for some of you but I liked it and so I thought I would repeat it for those that missed it.
Thirty years ago, as I was being shuffled off to Marine boot camp, visions of becoming a journalist were racing thru my mind. I wanted to share my thoughts and opinions with others. Somehow that dream was never realized and now, in my older years, I'm hoping to finally capitalize on my lost vision.
I guess I should start this first article out with a caution - Like most of us, I'm a worrier, and perhaps this is an avenue for me to vent a little so the doctor can lower my medication So, away we go.
As I reflect on the state of the union these days I can't help wondering how we can survive the division our country is developing and the moral decline we are experiencing. We see the division everyday, White versus Black, Republicans vs. Democrats, men vs. women, Children vs. parents, Christians vs. atheists and so on and so forth. How can we stand up to an enemy from without with such a growing threat within? Perhaps it is God's will for America to fall, I pray not. However, it has been correctly stated that "a house divided against itself cannot stand." My question to you is -- could we be any more divided now?
Satan is a master of disaster and deception. In addition to having divided us on all fronts he has quietly managed to remove a goodly amount of our moral fiber which once bonded our great nation. This moral erosion was activated in earnest when we started kicking God out of America. Do you remember when God was welcome in our public schools, do you remember when killing a baby was not a right, do you remember when homosexual behavior was improper? Many would argue that we are not truly a Christian nation but those who flew their planes into the world trade center had a different view.

How soon we forget that this nation was founded on Christian principles, by Christian men and women, many of whom lost their families, lives and fortunes in their quest to honor our creator. Were their efforts, sacrifices and losses for not?
It is funny -- in a sad sort of way -- what has happened to truth in our day. Your truth isn't my truth but both our truths are true for us...isn't that true? What nonsense, how long can we afford to agree to disagree?
Its sad and frustrating to watch the absolute death of common sense. Maybe it started with the "dumbing" down of our public schools and quest for political correctness. It really matters not, because our task is before us now. We must do whatever it takes to STOP this madness, this erosion of common sense and begin to turn this country around. I am a Christian, no apologies, and I hope and pray that in some small way I can help assist in a modern renaissance of our country's journey back to God. Be it his will.
God bless you and God bless The United (or not so) States of America.
Just my opinion
Good job.