Now days everyone has faith. Bukak, Hillary everybody. In the words of that great American philosopher (whoever said it first) PUHLEEZE!  Alas, I'm getting off track for this article. Back on point...the war with Iran.
So here we go again. More division in OUR country, more infighting with our citizenry, more vitriol between right and left, conservative and liberal. I hate that, it plays right in to the hands of our enemy's. Â
  I think Bush will hit them before he leaves office OR Israel will. A nuclear Iran is NOT acceptable to a rational mind.
  Israel held nationwide drills last week in preparation for the war to come. Dick Cheney made the rounds in the Middle East to inform Arabic countries still friendly to the U.S. You haven't heard a peep out of them either because they are just as afraid of Iran having "the bomb" as we are....or we should be.
 I tend to think it is a necessary thing to do but I'm not sure HOW we are going to manage fighting an even wider war in the Middle East. One, we don't have the money. Two, we are stretched thin on manpower.  Three, we are not unified enough to win ANY war it seems to me. I feel for the President because it is an awful reality that if HE doesn't tackle the problem before HE leaves, it will only let the threat grow. Possibly until it's to late to avoid millions of deaths. No wonder most of the Presidents hair turns gray before they leave office. I'm hoping that someone has a little better plan this time around.
  I can certainly see how President Bush THOUGHT Iraqis would be throwing flowers at our soldiers feet after the fall of Sadaam.  I would've, he was certainly a maniacal psychopath and I would have been thrilled to be rid of him. I guess it's some kind of cultural thing. I really don't know. Islam has had infighting for centuries and perhaps we were foolish to ever get involved in the first place but when you go knocking down buildings in New York city (not that Iraqis did) it's kinda hard to stay un-involved....unless your a liberal I guess.Â
 General Petraeus's seems like a very capable man so if the bureaucrats will let HIM fight it,(unlikely I know) perhaps it is something we can accomplish decisively. I don't know though, fighting the radicals THERE and the liberals HERE may be the straw that breaks the proverbial camels back.
 I know many of you think it is insane to go to war with Iran. In some ways I agree with you. What is more insane is to let  the radical nation of Iran to have the "Islamic Bomb."
 It's bad enough that precarious Pakistan has one now.Â
  Well, now it falls in to the hands of the "moron" in the White house to clean up Jimmy's mess thirty years later, while Jimmy's busy over in the Middle East stroking Hamas.
   Why isn't he tried for treason anyway? We are at war with terrorists. Hamas is listed by the FBI as a terrorist organization. By him going there and fraternizing with the enemy, can someone tell me WHY THAT isn't treason. Wait, as I write this I realize why. The "Chamberlains" are in charge. If we just talk to them, reason with them, everything's gonna be fine. Peace in our time and all that feel good drivel.
  Well, we'll see. We are gonna have a war with Iran sooner or later. Might as well get on with it I suppose. God help us all.Â
                                                       Just my opinion,
And, once again, blame a democrat==there is enough blame to go around to all parties and to all politicians and to the right and to the left--when do WE stop blaming and doing something???