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Cranky Swamp Yankee

Politics & Legal > Eight Years with Republicans

Eight Years with Republicans

Do you remember a few years back when Carter’s term as President was about to come to an end, and the Republican question to the voting masses was, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?"
Well, turn-about is fair play. So let’s ask the same public the same question today, as we mercifully come to the end of a Republican administration.
Well, are you?
Let’s see, well, there’s the economy. Oh, uh, no. Let’s forget about that. George W. says we’re not in a recession, but I doubt if he even knows how to spell the word. So, I don’t think he has much credibility on the subject. Maybe when he proclaims that there is no recession, he is referring to himself and his family and friends. Certainly, for them, there is no recession.
However, the rest of us, the common ruck, if you will, are definitely in a recession. The housing market is still in free fall with no bottom in sight. Inflation is on the rise. Unemployment is climbing. If this thing that we are in right now is not a recession, it will certainly do until one comes along. . (Let’s face it; if I am having to choose between staying warm, paying for my prescriptions, or eating, then I don’t really give a damn what some talking chimp in Washington calls it.)
Okay, forget the economy.
Let’s talk about how we, as Americans, feel a real solidarity with each other.
What? Polls show that Americans have never been so polarized before in history as they are today? That the gap between the left and right has widened astronomically since George W. took office? Say it ain’t so!!!!(Here’s a question for you; how come Ground Zero in upscale New York City is now cleaned up and immaculate, with great plans and schemes for the future, and the Hurricane Katrina ravished 9th ward in New Orleans, (which is primarily poor and black) is still a freaking mess with no hope in sight? Why is it that, immediately after Katrina, FEMA vehicles couldn’t get into New Orleans because of the magnitude of the devastation, but Ellen Degeneres and Harry Connick, Jr; could drive into the place with their SUV’s? "Nice work, Brownie!"
Okay, forget about solidarity.
World peace?
. . . Next!
How about how America is viewed by the rest of the world?
. . . NEXT!
All righty, then. What about environmental issues?

. . . NEXT!!!!!!

How about your pocketbook and wallet? Gas, oil, food and clothing costs are rising by leaps and bounds. The gap between the rich and the middle class is widening, and the gap between the middle class and the poor is also widening. Also, the numbers of the middle class are dwindling as they spill down into the lower class. Medical expenses are through the roof while medical insurance companies and drug manufacturing companies are posting profits in the millions, and yet the FDA is doing nothing to curb the problem. The percentage of uninsured Americans is higher now than at any time in modern history.
The Republican Party, which, just a few years ago was chiding Clinton for not having a balanced budget, has now plunged us into the biggest national debt that we have ever seen. The ill-advised and ill-fated war in Iraq has cost this country literally TRILLIONS of dollars that we do not have. TRILLIONS! And how did the cowboy in the White House rectify the problem? He cut our taxes, and then turned around and took BILLIONS of dollars in loans from China!!!!! China now owns us.
Just the interest of the national debt now comes to $70,000 for every man, woman and child in this country!!
Okay, so let’s forget our pocketbooks and wallets.
Let’s talk about education.
Four words sum this up – "No Child Left Behind."
Talk to any teacher or school administrator in this country and most of them will tell you that they believe "No Child Left Behind" is an unfunded federal mandate that is designed solely to sink the public education system in this country. It puts a strangle-hold on the educational professionals, and it refuses to give communities the funds and resources to enact new policies and curriculums. It is killing the public education system in this country.
So, enough of my own opinions here. Let me throw this Republican-originated question out to you. Are you better off than you were eight years ago?

posted on Apr 28, 2008 9:43 AM ()


In reference to name calling, the one slinging dirt, is losing ground.
comment by larryb on May 5, 2008 6:51 AM ()
Errr... I hate it that you can't reply directly to someone's "reply" to a comment. (eddie, ya listening?)
Oh how refreshing to feel like you can speak honetsly and exchange idea's with someone who see's things different than you do. You said:

"Of course we're still friends!!! Isn't that what America is all about? Being able to disagree and still respect and care for one another?"

Sadly that is not the experience I've had from "tolerant" people on the left. You made my day, your a good man Jim, I wish you lived next door. (I could keep a better eye on you )
I actually laughed out loud when you called me a pig-headed conservative. That's a good sign of a long rich friendship.
comment by justmyopinion on Apr 29, 2008 11:11 AM ()
AS a teacher, I completely believe in what you said. "No Child left behind" is a ridiculous idea and in high schools it sort of means loosely "all kids must go to college." Truth is not all kids will go to college. A lot will go to technical or trade schools or get into their dad's plumbing business or own 2 mini-marts. Come on, this has gotten out of hand and the powers aren't smart enough to see it. Worse than that, they've never been in the "trenches" and have no idea about the reality of the situation they've created!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 29, 2008 9:33 AM ()
I hardly know where to begin. Add Supreme Court appointees and all those disgraced cronies to GW's legacy. I feel a regurgitation session coming on.
comment by solitaire on Apr 29, 2008 8:22 AM ()
I got your back, Jim. My Obama vote is all ready prepared. I just wish that preacher would spend a long vacation in Antarctica.
comment by jondude on Apr 29, 2008 7:14 AM ()
It will take a generation to rebuild our country's esteem in the world. It will never be rebuilt in the moslem world. GW Bush wasn't big enough for the job or the times. His number One misstep was to rehire his dad's old cronies. That doomed his administration. I'm afraid that a McCain administration will maintain that lock-step and we will slide even deeper into it. Good comment-raising post!
comment by jondude on Apr 29, 2008 7:01 AM ()
Cool. I'd be in... I don't like any of em...
AND I totally believe that your average Joe citizen can make a difference. For sure!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 29, 2008 6:46 AM ()
Jim, I think you covered the bases very well. Our country is in a terrible mess, and worst of all, we're dragging the rest of the world down with us. I feel despair at the moment for all of the reasons you mentioned. I know that those who stand up for Mr. Bush mean well, but I can't do it. I think the job was way too great for him. Many of his original advisers left because they could no longer tolerate his actions or because they were too complicit with his views. I do hope we're able to disentangle ourselves in time to be safe and secure. Many do become disenchanted with our leaders after a time, but this is just too much of a quagmire to ignore.
comment by sunlight on Apr 28, 2008 10:01 PM ()
I truly don't understand how anyone can even defend Bush--but then I don't understand how anyone voted for him a second time. And, even more unbelievable, there are those who would vote for him again!
comment by greatmartin on Apr 28, 2008 6:43 PM ()
Oddly enough, my last really good "liberal" friend was named Jim so forgive me if I'm a little timid here because though I had known him for twenty years he ultimately told me to basically "eat sh*t and die" during the first "Clinton years". I Do really like you (I really liked him too) and want to know you better, you seem like a reasonable man (although a flaming liberal ) so, all that being said, I'll say this.

I don't like everything W. has done while in office. I do believe, though flawed, his primary concern has been to keep all of us safe. I'm sure he has second guessed himself many times over, but I believe he has tried his best, I truly do. This would not have been an easy eight years for anyone. Please Jim, I'm asking, please stop demeaning him. Stop with the "chimp" and "idiot" stuff. Of course you can say whatever you want on your blog, it just seemed to be-little you somehow in my eye's to see those comments above. Still love ya and all, and hope ya don't tell me to eat.....
comment by justmyopinion on Apr 28, 2008 3:34 PM ()
The damage done by George Bush to our country and to its reputation abroad is so horrendous that I don't believe we will ever recover. I feel ashamed and I didn't even vote for the SOB.
comment by looserobes on Apr 28, 2008 12:58 PM ()
I agree, but then I also think that by the end of a Presidents term we ALL complain about this, that and the other thing... ya know? I remember I liked Clinton a lot for the first few years and then there was soooo much smack talk about him it was unreal. I really think the trend is to notice all the wrongs of the current administration, then by the time the next one rolls around we'll all be like "Well at least Bush didn't do *this*!"
I think Bush has been a nightmare. But I also remember being thankful after September 11th that he was the president because he had a cabinet that had previous experience with foreign governments. So there is a plus. That might be the only plus, but to me, that was a bonus.

I do, however, agree with every single thing you have said here and I look forward to a new President. Although I don't like any of the candidates. looks like at least I will be unhappy for the next 4 years...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 28, 2008 10:18 AM ()
Wait until Hurricane Barack hits Crawford, Texas! I will be that the new FEMA Director will be there in two hours. Also, the ultimate Child Left Behind: G. W. Bush.
comment by jondude on Apr 28, 2008 10:04 AM ()

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