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Politics & Legal > Just Me, Raggin' Again

Just Me, Raggin' Again

Here is my short list of the ten most serious problems that need to be dealt with in the U.S.:

1. Incompetence and corruption in our legal system.
It's sick that a child molester or murderer these days will often serve less time than a parking ticket scoff-law

2. Our unrealistic and extravagant penal system.
The entire idea of building and maintaining Hilton style penitentiaries is irrational. The French almost had the right idea when they used Devil's Island as a prison. Their failure was in putting guards on the island with the criminals. The prisoners should have been left on shore with the necessary supplies to build their own society. If reform is the goal of any penal system criminals themselves will be the most severe reformers. And if deterrence is to be the main reason for incarceration I can hardly think of a greater deterrence to crime than the thought that I might have to survive amongst a pack of murderers and thieves.

3. The Overtaking of Education By Liberal Revolutionaries.
It is the reasonable expectation of society that those coming out of our elite universities ought to be the best prepared to hold the planning and decision making positions that keep order in our lives. The truth is that common sense and moral character, the two most essential qualities needed in an ordered society, are utterly disrespected in our educational system from top to bottom. Every chaotic aspect of our present condition can be traced back to some degree to the failure of our educators to teach the basics of reason and morality.

4. The vast corruption and overwhelming ignorance of our elected officials. See #3.

5. The corruption of moral values by entertainment media and the distortion of reality by information media. See #3.

6. The threat of Islamic terrorism.
1200 hundred years ago Muslims were murdering everyone they could get their hands on. But we tolerated that because there was a limit to the number of people they could actually get their hands on. So for 12 centuries we lulled ourselves into a numb acceptance that these barbarians were not a serious threat. Today we are still in the same mind numbed state even though conditions have radically changed. Given another few weeks or another few years the Islamists will be able to sneak ten or twenty nuclear bombs into this country and blow away millions of our fellow citizens.
(But political correctness will not allow us to say such derogatory things about a 'racial' group like the Islamists. See #3.)

7. Economic collapse.
Another 1929 style economic collapse is seemingly always on the horizon. But it appears to me that eventually we there will be no preventing it due to political interference with industry and agriculture.

8. The immigration explosion
America has always been famous as the melting pot of the world. These days, however, America is a pot melting. We are being wildly overrun by the hopelessly destitute, diseased and criminal elements from our southern border nations. Protecting our borders is a primary Constitutional directive. Where the hell are our political leaders?

9. Our decline into socialism.
Socialism never has worked and never will work. It can't. Human beings are simply not going to work when they know they will only get the same benefits as those who will not work. But we are going there at an ever increasing pace as even "the Party of self-reliance" (the republicans) are forced to run on give-away platforms. No party any longer represents the American tradition of personal self-reliance. See #3.

10. Global warming.
Man-made global warming is man-made myth - but the fear of global warming is real. The fear of global warming can do a thousand more times damage to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness than global warming could do in 100 million years.

Last week there was a debate between the two Dem Presidential candidates. Later they and their Leftist screechers complained that 45 minutes were spent attacking Obama before any "real issues" were addressed. Think back if you will and remind me; how many of the above issues were discussed when the "real issues" finally came up?

posted on Apr 28, 2008 9:15 AM ()


I encroach upon your borders at on an average of two or three times a year. I never get as far north as the wilds of Detroit though and I'm not sure where Lincoln Park is. But it rings a bell. Are you near Travis?
You're right, I've never been to Reston but I guess it's as good a place as any to be from. That's not my picture either BTW.
If I do happen to be in your neighborhood one day I would like to look you up. Thanks for the compliment.
comment by think141 on Apr 30, 2008 7:07 AM ()
Ya know, when I first signed up at MyBloggers, My "location" came up Reston VA, I asked eddie to change it and he did. If on the slim chance you actually live in Lincoln Park Mi, send me your address and I'll be over in 15 minutes. I would LOVE to sit and talk to a sane person for an hour or two. Good post.
comment by justmyopinion on Apr 29, 2008 2:29 PM ()

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