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Religion > A Book About Ufos (Post #X)

A Book About Ufos (Post #X)

The Bible states clearly and emphatically (Gen.6:1-4) that beings came down from the heavens and produced mighty men. In fact it goes further and implies that they produced an entirely new race of men called the Nephilim. So what? Some people, the ones who claim to be bound to believe every word of the Bible, choose to rework the meaning of these passages so that they will not contradict their personal beliefs. Others, those who deny the sanctity of the Bible, point to the same verses as evidence that the Bible is childish folklore at best and a pack of fairy tales overall. Both of these attitudes about the Bible and all of the degrees of belief and disbelief in between serve to make the Bible an exceedingly untrustworthy document for factual reference in any public debate. This is truly unfortunate because the Bible is undeniably one thing above all else. It is a record of the evolution of an ancient society as it progressed into modern times.

Nothing close to it exists as an anthropological resource for studying an ancient culture. We don’t have to dig up any bones or piece together clay pots to understand the people of old Palestine. They tell us clearly, from their own lips and with their own voices, who they are. They practically beg us to hear them, to see them and to understand them. Instead we completely ignore the people in a vain pursuit of their gods. It is time that some of us pay attention to the people of the Bible rather than their gods. After all it was the people themselves who created these gods and who reflect themselves in the gods they created. In their image they created them – in their own image they created the gods of the Holy Land.

It is true that the biblical authors were more often folklorists than historians but in their tale-telling we still learn certain truths about their customs, history and mindsets. As we gain experience and knowledge of ancient Palestinian culture we sharpen our sensitivities to those things that are fact in their writings and those that are fantasy. The verses that describe sons of gods coming down from heaven to mate with human women do not fit in with the typical imagery of Yahwehism that is promoted everywhere else in the Old Testament. These verses are so out of step with traditional biblical concepts that they are widely avoided by the clergy of all faiths. But it is exactly the out-of-phase passages of this type that attract the serious scholar’s deepest interest.

The one thing that causes these verses to stand out so starkly is the absence of any involvement from Yahweh in the activities described. It stood out as such an oddity that even the Jewish scholars of pre-Christian times were unnerved by it. So much so that it appears that they added an additional verse (Gen.6:3) centuries after the original story was written just so that Yahweh (the Lord) would have some relevance to these strange goings on. To put it another way, if we look at the O.T. as a book that was designed to further build on the positive image of Yahweh at every turn of the page this story seems counter-productive. It is a step away from Yahweh, not a step closer to him. This story is drawn from folklore. No doubt about that. But it did not enter folklore as an invention of fantasy. It entered as an eye-witness report. An eye-witness report that did nothing to enhance the style of Yahwehism that the priest/authors of the time were trying to promote.

That is an opinion, of course, and it hangs on relatively weak evidence to be sure. But the examination of these verses is one part of a much larger picture. It isn’t intended to describe the wider biblical picture or even the main ufological strand of the Bible. It is merely another log on the UFO fire. Those who are not familiar with the UFO phenomenon will be astonished that anyone could possibly imagine something as far fetched as aliens coming to earth to tinker with our genetic makeup. They would insist that it could not happen and that it is certainly not happening now. But those of us who have studied the phenomenon are less inclined to believe any but the most irrational theories about what the motives of our extra-terrestrial visitors might be. We are forced to admit that we have nothing to go on in our speculation on alien motives since they have declined to ever have open dialogue with humanity. What we do have are ancient suggestions and modern reports that are of questionable quality but high incidence.

The Case of Antonio Villas Boas

Brazil; Oct. 15, 1957 – Antonio was plowing alone when an egg-shaped object came at him and began to hover over his tractor. “I could see the shape of the machine clearly. It was like a large elongated egg…” The young farmer admitted that he lost what little self-control he had so far preserved. He only managed to run a few steps, however, before someone grabbed his arm… After the aliens finished discussing the situation, Antonio was stripped naked. The husky young farmer tried once again to resist such manhandling, but the aliens seemed to try to make him understand that “they were polite people”.

Deciding that it would be simpler to comply with their wishes, Antonio allowed himself to be to be thoroughly examined. A chalice shaped glass flask, with a nozzled tube, was applied to his chin, and some minor operation was performed that left a scar still visible to Dr. Fontes and the investigators… When the aliens had finished with their respective tasks of pricking and poking poor Antonio, he was left alone to rest on a couch… It was then that the startled young farmer had a most surprising visitor. The door to the room was opened, and a well proportioned and totally naked woman joined him on the couch… Antonio felt himself responding to the frank advances… Before she left the room, she turned to Antonio, pointed to her stomach and to the sky.
“The UFO Abductors”
Brad Steiger, Berkley Books, NY

The Case Of Betty Andreasson

South Ashburnham, Mass.; Jan 25, 1967 – Betty was sitting with her seven children and her parents in her house…when a light appeared outside the window. As she later recounted, the rest of her family appeared to go into a state of suspended animation. Four small creature entered the room, passing straight through a wooden door…one of them communicated telepathetically with her and led her outside where an oval-shaped craft was waiting.. On board she was subjected to a painful physical examination. A probe was pushed up her nose. Another probe was inserted in her navel and she was told she was being “measured for procreation…”

Before I began my own investigation of Gen. 6 I thought it was ridiculous that anyone would seriously advance a theory that rested on little more than three verses to build a solid basis for a UFO report on alien genetic tampering. Three verses simply could not amount to enough evidence to support something so far fetched by anyone’s stretch of the imagination. Today I am much less adamant in my position. These verses are unique in the Bible and appear to represent an actual event or series of events that caused dramatic changes in the physical appearance of a certain group of people living in or around the vicinity of Palestine 3,000 to 4,000 years ago. You can believe that or you can believe that the biblical authors were just making it all up. The only other choice you have is to take the author at his word; sons of gods came down from heaven and married human women who gave birth to giants.

posted on Nov 10, 2009 8:46 AM ()

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