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Politics & Legal > Lesons in Communism #2

Lesons in Communism #2

In my last post I said I could identify at least four axiomatic failures in the Marxist philosophy of communism. By itself, any one of these faults would be sufficient to turn the communist utopian dream into a nightmare in reality. I described one of those faults in an article earlier this week as the Marxist demand for the sacrifice of personal liberty for the sake of social equality. Today I intend to reveal a second fault in the philosophical foundations of Marxist communism.

Fault #2:
By its very definition any society that undertakes to follow the communist ideal puts its People immediately into slavery. The slave/master relationship that existed in the old American South is duplicated in detail by the State/People relationship of communism. The rights of southern slaves were nonexistent. The very right to continue breathing was held in the hands of the master. And so it is in a Marxist State. The idealist on the Left would deny that Marx himself ever demanded this degree of absolute servitude but in practice communism invariably does command the power of life and death. We only have to count the millions upon millions who were slaughtered on the whims of Stalin and Mao to grasp the material fact of it. We must also recognize that this is why Obama is so determined to grab the power over life and death that nationalized health care would give him.
It is a fact on the face of it that communism is the model of a slave/master relationship. The State holds all property while the People are denied ownership of anything. The masses work, eat and procreate at the direction of the government. Everything the citizen produces becomes the property of the State, including his children. In return for his labor the citizen can expect nothing more than what the State determines he is entitled to.
Think carefully about what I just said: “The State decides what the citizen is entitled to.” Not what he has earned – but what he is entitled to. Remember that the ultimate goal of communism is to eliminate class distinction by achieving individual economic parity. No man may have more or less than another. Therefore, every man is entitled to an equal share of the national wealth whether he has contributed to the treasury or not. In a sense you could say that southern slavery made more sense than communism because no slave master would continue to feed a man who refused to do his fair share of work. The communist philosophy insists that that person be treated equally and be given his share. Of course, in practice, and in contradiction to the utopian ideal, the System develops ways of dealing with such individuals. Can you say Gulag?
It is important to understand the implications of the entitlement mentality. When a Right thinking American complains that his country is falling into socialism or, God forbid, communism he bases that complaint on the observation that more and more of his fellow Americans are surrendering their wills to entitlement ennui. The slacker is not simply willing to let the community provide him with the personal needs he will not work for himself. He demands that his needs be fulfilled because he believes he is entitled to them. It is a slave’s mentality that is consuming us as we become more and more dependant on our master, the State. It is not a figment of a Right thinker’s imagination that we are becoming socialist/communist. As we grant more and more power to our government we add link after link to our chain.
It’s a sick irony when you think about it, isn’t it? Black Americans who are driving the communist bus are selling themselves back into slavery. The only difference is that their new master will be black himself. I feel very badly for black Americans - blacks all over the world for that matter. Living conditions have never been good for them anywhere at any time. And just as Dr. King was opening the doors of opportunity for them in America they decided to sell themselves into slavery under the Democratic Party. That is a story unto itself but now they aim to go deeper into slavery, State slavery, Marxist slavery. And they intend to take the entire American population with them as they morph the Democratic Party into the Communist Party, the One and Only Party.
In summary the second fault of the Marxist philosophy is that it requires the individual to surrender not only all of his worldly possessions but his self-determination along with it. He is left with nothing except what the State will grant him from day to day. Is there any other word for this but slavery?

[I apologize for pulling the trigger on the race issue. I’m sure this will set off an explosion in every Leftist’s head and cause an immediate emotional brain lock. During the election they were excited about opening up the dialogue on race. Unfortunately the Left is incapable of recognizing its own racial biases and will only converse on the issue in terms they can dictate. I sincerely hope that some on the Left will open their minds to the realization that they alone do not have the right to set the definition of racism. That is where the real issue lies. The Left’s presumption that they, and they alone, know what bigotry and racism are and that only their definitions apply.]

posted on Sept 2, 2009 7:57 AM ()

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