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Politics & Legal > Sweet Sarah Defined

Sweet Sarah Defined

The Sarah Palin saga is a disturbing one. What the Dem/Left did to her and continues to do to her clarifies who they are in a way that should frighten all of us. My first impression in the days immediately after her nomination to the Repub ticket was that the pods had come to earth, attached themselves to the heads of the Dem/Left and turned them into brain dead vegetables. It is an image that will not die in my mind as the Left thinking masses continue to lurch blindly in every direction their masters point them in.

I don’t know Sarah. And unless you are in some way closely related to her or otherwise associated with her you don’t know her either. We rarely have the chance to vote for people based on what we know about them. Instead we vote for an image that is created for us by the media and by campaign propaganda. In my mind Sarah Palin exists only as a collage of snapshots that in total do little to help create a true picture of who she really is. My factual knowledge of Sarah Palin is extremely limited. The same is true of my knowledge of most politicians. That’s the way they want it. You would not vote for 90% of them if you knew who they really were.

The one thing I know is that I don’t know enough about Sarah to propose political marriage to her. I also know that the problems that have arisen for Sarah come from people who are convinced that they actually do know who she is. These are people who know only that they are justified in hating her. In truth they have no other reason to hate her than that they have been directed to do so. That is what I find so frightening. That people in civilized America have reached a point where they can be prompted to hate on command.

Americans on the Right voted for Sarah Palin under the same conditions that Americans on the Left voted for the man we now have as President. No one knew anything about Barack Obama. He was every bit the mystery that Sarah Palin was. Yet the media bombarded us with images of a man with a great intellect and a huge heart. At the same time the media were working to project an image of Palin as a yokel from Hicksville. It is only now that we are even beginning to see the Barack Obama that was behind the media image. As it turns out he is the very same man we first discovered sitting in Rev. Wright’s church listening to hate speech at the beginning of the campaign. He was the man who his Left leaning followers had refused to see from the beginning. He was the man that the media had neglected to expose to the electorate throughout the campaign. He was there the whole time. All we needed to do was believe our own eyes.

Essentially Obama and Palin came to us on blank slates. It was the duty of each voter to fill in those blanks. The vast majority if us, however, were content to allow the media to fill in the blanks for us. Barack was not stranded on an island, he wasn’t dancing with any stars and he couldn’t sing like a celebrity so he wasn’t on our TV play list. Most of my fellow Americans were busy watching “reality” and couldn’t be bothered worrying about who was going to be running their lives for the next 4 to 8 years. In fact most Americans made their voting decision base on nothing more than two words that were being drummed into their psyches during commercial breaks; hope and change. That was the sum total of what 95% of Barack’s voters knew about him. Doesn’t this make you worry even a little bit about our future as a nation? If not you need to think about what is being done to the Palin image right now as the hate-fest continues on the Left. Pay attention, please. Read the Lefty blogs, watch MSNBC, Good Morning America, Letterman, Stewart and all the others. Heaping the hate on Palin continues but that is only one symptom of the hate that consumes the Left on a hundred issues. It is blind and it is out of control. But how do you stop it? How do you even explain it?

I may have heard the name Sarah Palin once or twice in the weeks prior to her nomination. I even knew that she was the sitting governor of Alaska. That made me more informed about her than 99% of the population of the lower 48. She seemed to have simply walked out of the woods and onto the national stage. A cool North wind that offered hope and change to the American Right.

The Left knew nothing about her. Except that she had to be destroyed.

Do you remember how they did it? I can’t remember the details myself. I just remember that the day after her acceptance speech the Leftist blogs and “mainstream media” were in a frenzy of hate. It made no sense. It is still beyond my ability to comprehend its instantaneous nature. How do you make millions of people hate a perfect stranger in the blink of an eye that way? I don’t really want to know the answer to that question. I just want that kind of behavior to stop.

My country is in serious danger from all of the hateful division being fostered by media in all its forms. I try to promote reason in my writing because intelligent reasoning is the only antidote to irrational passion. But it is not a strong antidote. Nor can it have any effect on people who do not want to be cured and will not take the medicine. The mere fact that I’m asking the Left to calm down is almost certain to agitate them to greater bouts of dyspepsia. They are conditioned only to react to what is being said; not to consider what is being said.

The orders have gone out (euphemistically speaking) that anyone who disagrees with Dem/Socialist policies is to be labeled a racist. It is a new twist on methods for distorting truth. Since we have a black President all you’ve got to do is declare that a policy comes from the President and any opposition to that policy can be defined as racist. Now if you are of the Left I beg you to focus your full attention to this next paragraph. If you forget every other word in this article remember that the next paragraph is the meat of the issue.

I say that the race card is never played by the Left to clarify an issue. It is played to inflame emotions, to vent hate, to end debate and/or to close minds. Today you will hear someone in the media or on a blog say that healthcare opponents are racists. I heard it every day last week. Please listen for it today and when you hear it ask yourself two questions: Is there any factual basis in this accusation? Why did he/she say it?

If you go looking far enough on the Right you will find racists and bigots of every stripe. No doubt about it. But have you looked on the Left? Do you remember who defined Sarah Palin for you? Do you remember how they went about persuading you to hate her? Is there such a thing as good hate and bad hate? Do you believe that Left hate is somehow superior to Right hate? Or do you think it just might be possible to evaluate people without hating them at all?

posted on Sept 7, 2009 8:39 AM ()

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