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Politics & Legal > Republic of Montana?

Republic of Montana?

A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.
George William Curtis


Could it be that the dream of Liberty lives? Could it be that there are those that still cherish FREEDOM? Dare I hope that not all of my countrymen have traded "We the people" for "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need?"  Could it happen that those of us that cling to our guns's and our faith might find hope?

Civil war would be an ugly thing, and very risky considering the Islamic threat we face as well. But, it seems the left will leave few options as they usurp again and again the vote of the people and the Constitution itself.


Republic of Montana,                  

Second Amendment secession?

According to an article in Reason Magazine, if the (not so) Supreme Court rule's against the second amendment, they (Montana) could leave the Union. It wouldn't be secession exactly, more like breach of contract. A few Montana politicians believe the second amendment means what it say's! They are not buying in to this "living document" bologna  touted by the lefties. So Secretary of State Brad Johnson, and other un-named politicos have threatened secession.

In a joint resolution, the Montana politicians argue that when Washington approved the state constitution, including a clause granting “any person” the right to bear arms, upon the Treasure State’s entry into the Union in 1889, the federal government recognized that clause as consistent with the Second Amendment.  If the Court comes down on the side of a collective right, they argue, it would breach the compact for statehood between Montana and the federal government.

This sounds to good to be true to me. I've heard Texas may have a movement for secession, now Montana!
The Texas Constitution states:
"Texans have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.”  Texas Constitution - Article 1- Section 2

"Whenever any form of government is destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.”   Declaration of Independence, 1776
Could it be that Americans, REAL Americans are not going to allow the like's of Barrak Obama and the two governing party's we have now completely destroy the Constitution and thus our country? Could America's greatest day's  possibly  still be ahead of her and not behind?
    I WAS all for the wall along the Mexican border to keep out the illegal's but now in light of the fact that the "brain dead" in this country could possibly put Obama in the Presidency, and elect a "super majority" of left wing Democrats to Congress, I'm not so sure that's a good idea. It COULD be used to keep us IN as well as them out. 
   Maybe I shouldn't single Barrak out but he scare's me the most, at least right now. All of our current crop of leading pol's scare me, but it doesn't take a lot of digging to see that Obama IS a dyed in the wool Communist/Marksist. I don't intend to be a commie way. And I don't want to live in a communist country.
Texas and Montana talking like this is very good news.  I haven't been this excited in a long time. In fact, I've been mister doom and gloom for so long that I had begun to think that it was just going to be something I was going to have to learn to live with . Yep, this new's has been a real ray of sunshine to me. I liked the America I grew up in but frankly its unrecognizable anymore. At first glance secession seems far to extreme, a pipe dream that will never happen, and perhaps it won't, not easily to be sure. It's nice to dream though, perhaps I don't have to dread the knock on the door from those coming to take me to the re-education camp after all.
Maybe, just maybe "We The People" may mean something again.
Hey, we all gotta dream.
                                                          Just my opinion,

posted on May 29, 2008 5:27 PM ()


You know, Bill, I like you. I really do. But sometimes...
I guess I take issue with the inference you make here that if somebody does not adhere to conservative viewpoints, they are not REAL Americans.
I am a real American. I love my country, and I HATE what the Republicans have done to it, domestically and abroad, over the past four years.
It doesn't take a genius to see how they have polarized the country, destroyed our reputation overseas, and pretty much decimated our economy.
As far as The Constitution is concerned, (Which, in my opinion, is the greatest and most insightfulpolitical document ever written), what about the part about "certain unalienable rights"? Ever read The Patriot Act?
As far as Texas and Montana breaking off and going their own way, be it!
If they vote to secede, I say let them go, and then put up a walls similar to the one being built along the Rio Grande between them and the United States to keep them the hell out!
Guess we disagree again, huh, my friend?
I still love you though, man!
comment by hayduke on May 30, 2008 9:30 AM ()
I'm not sure I could take four more years of Bush myself but I know I won't survive 2 years of Obama and a Democratic Congress.

If one of these states DOES succed, I'll be there in a nano second. You lefties can have the utopia you seek. Good luck with that.
comment by justmyopinion on May 29, 2008 6:05 PM ()
Key West left the US years ago--now South Florida wants to becme an independent State!!
Hey maybe McCain wants to start an Old State--I'd be eligible to belong to it.
Won't argue politics but McCain SCARES the hell out of me--4-8 more years of Bush?!?!?!?!? NO!!!
comment by greatmartin on May 29, 2008 5:51 PM ()

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