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Politics & Legal > Modern Day Warfare

Modern Day Warfare

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.
--John Stuart Mill

   Yes war is an ugly thing. Men at their worst...and best. Death and destruction is all part of the drill. The problem is, our brain dead politicians won't let us fight to win. Somebody said, "war is the art of killing people and breaking things."  We don't fight like that anymore, haven't since WW 2.
     I imagine many of you have seen the footage of the G.I.'s using flame throwers to kill the Japanese that were holed up in caves  back in WW 2. If that were to have happened today, can't you just hear the liberals screaming bloody murder!
     Back in those day's people still understood, evil exists. It can't be bargained with or appeased. It must be dealt with in the harshest means necessary to defeat it and crush it's will to fight.
     Today, it seems that sentimentality has replaced an iron will resolved to win. Some believe we have to understand the terrorist and what we did to make him the violent, heartless, merciless, cowardly, evil murdering heathen bastard he is. I wonder what Patton would have said.
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    In the past, we called our enemy's names like, Hun, Krauts, Nazi's and Gooks. In this war, we hand our enemy's their "holy" book with white gloves on because We are the INFIDEL's and WE would DEFILE IT!!!
   We mustn't offend THEM even after they captured our embassy, blow up a barracks full of U.S. Marines, drag our dead through their streets, disembowel OUR soldiers that THEY capture...No, not even when they murder 3000 innocent American citizens on American soil should we offend them. Nope, when we capture them we prepare them their meals Halaal, just right, furnish prayer rugs to pray to their heathen god and yes, wear white gloves to hand them their Koran so WE don't DEFILE IT.
   We fight an enemy that hides weapons in and fires at us from their houses of worship. They are to cowardly to wear uniforms and not honorable enough to fight by any "rules of engagement." They hide amongst women and children, in schools, hospitals, densely populated areas and WE are the bad guys if we get them dates with 72 virgins!
   Somehow the politicians, the media and the rest of the left wing lunatics want us to fight a nice and tidy little war. Somehow we should wage war without getting too mad at the poor misguided freedom fighters! 
   Make no mistake, the radical element of Islam want's to eradicate the "Infidel ", that's you and me friend.
They are patient, cunning and vicious. We must unite in this country and get good and MAD! We must break this enemy's will to fight....and we better do it soon.
    I'm not real optimistic that you will listen or that it will do any good, but.....I want to ask you to think long and hard when you vote in this election before you vote for an appeaser or stay home as a protest vote. Someone needs to stand up to this evil. We are facing an enemy that can't be wished away, made peace with and we can't buy this one off, they WANT to live in the seventh century. They can only be crushed and this current crop of politicians WILL NOT do that unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves heard in Washington.
    Like I said, I'm not real optimistic that that's gonna happen. More likely I'll be called some kind of war monger or perhaps even a bigot. That's ok, I sleep fine.
   No more than likely, you WILL elect an appeaser that will immediately instruct our military to stick flowers in the barrels of their rifles and strike up the Marine Core band to play a couple choruses of "Kum by ya" perhaps followed by a rousing rendition of "we are the world."
    In the end, radical Islam will laugh at the Infidel and what a stupid people they....were.
                                                              Just my opinion,

posted on May 26, 2008 5:40 PM ()


These thugs as you put it are a group of radicals. Not a nation signed on to Geneva conventions. But that to the side, by ignoring the conventions ourselves we endanger our own troops in this and future conflicts. Don't you care about our troops. Oh wait, right winger thats right, troops are just cannon-fodder to you people.

As I said, Most of those tortured have been innocent. And most of the torture committed (at least 50% in Abu Gharib) was done not at the hands of our troops, but by private contractors for CACI and TITAN international.

A religious war?! I thought It was a group of radicals that attacked us after we built bases on their perceived holy sites that we aquired after the Iran-Iraq war which we aided Saddam in, and trained and supplied weapons to Osama Bin Laden to drive out the communists. Didn't Reagan even praise them in a speech once...I bet if you look that one up you won't like what you find..

You obviously have no concept of what is really going on over there. Perhaps you should blog about things you know..
comment by ekyprogressive on May 27, 2008 3:16 PM ()
Personally, I would just be happy if we followed the Geneva conventions, and didn't torture "alleged" terrorists that we purchased at $5000 a pop from warlords in Afghanistan and Pakistan only to find out later they didn't do anything. Abu Gharib, anyone...anyone?

And don't be confused, the Koran is the book of a faith, not a terrorist organization. Let's not start a religious war while trying to find a small group of radicals (who were not in Iraq to begin with).

McCain is a moron, he doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shiite, much less terrorists or Al Quaeda. He has proven that multiple times. Plus he was a victim of torture, renounced his own country under the pressures of torture, yet does not stand against the Murderer-in-Chief against the use of torture on unconvicted individuals in U.S. custody.

The choice is simple, do you want to waste more of our tax dollars to initiate a religious war instead of a war on radicals, or do we want to do this right?
comment by ekyprogressive on May 26, 2008 8:32 PM ()

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