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Pfather Pfleger
Pfather Pfleger
After seeing him give his sermon from the gutter yesterday I made a point of spending the next four hours surfing all the cable news services to see if any of the talking heads had the least bit of understanding of what’s behind the craziness emanating from Trinity Church. Not surprisingly no one came within ten inner-city blocks of the truth. Most of the pundits were so naive they almost made me lose my lunch. I had to force myself to sit through goof after goof musing on whether or not O’Bama is ideologically in agreement with the holy men of the Southside. GET AN F’n CLUE WOULD YA!
You want the truth?! Can you handle the truth? Can you process the truth? Well then by God here’s your truth: They hold “white media†in utter contempt . They consider you to be complete idiots. They have been using you as tools for 30+ years to swindle the government out of trillions of dollars by manipulating white guilt, political correctness and the power of their voting block. And virtually everyone in the white media has schlepped right along with the program. You have created a reality for whites about blacks that does not comport in any way with black reality. Two different worlds exist today as it relates to the reality of inner-city existence. The smug ivory towered view of the poor black victims of racial hatred and the physical truth of the immoral cesspool that our politicians, educators and media have produced out of wanton abandonment of common sense and common decency.
Let me be more specific about the low regard in which you are held by the inner-city holy men and by the majority of blacks in general. They have seen clearly how you cringe in fear when threatened by the slimy likes of Sharpton and Jackson. They gawk in amazement as you invite this diabolical pair on your shows and treat them as “experts†and “community leadersâ€. You want to talk about appeasement? How about the way you kowtow to these two race peddlers and anyone else who dares threatens to tar you with the terrible brush of racism. But S and J are not cut from the same cloth as the holy men. They are ordinary strong arm extortionists who go after the quick establishment buck for personal enrichment. The holy men are a different breed entirely.
The holy men are flamboyant egotists; showmen who thrill to the joy of being center stage and the objects of adoration. They revel in the hands on-power they hold over their minions and in their ability to manipulate and fleece them. But their true wealth does not come from their fellowship. It comes from the government. Let me tell you a little story from my personal experiences that I hope will open your eyes a just little…
You may remember from a couple of my recent posts a certain inner-city reverend that I had the pleasure of working with while clerking for the Cook County Circuit Court. We were both there when Little George ran for his first Presidential term. Now you might think the Georgey’s a bit of a dimwit but I gotta tell you, during that campaign he made one of the most brilliant political moves that I’ve witnessed in my lifetime.
Consider the position of the Republican Party in relation to the black vote. The Dems had been buying up those votes since the days FDR and had a lock on them that was so solid that they were in the habit of assuming they were in the bag. Then along comes George who announces that, ‘If I am elected I will end the wasteful practice of dumping billions of dollars into the inner-city without regard to who benefits. Instead I will distribute all of that money to religious and community leaders who can determine with Christian charity who among them is most in need.’ Now I ask you, is that brilliant or what.
You should have seen the look of my chubby reverend’s face when he talked about all the money he was going to get when Little George got into office. A more dedicated man of God you have never seen. I know for a fact that he tried to turn his followers into Republican voters and have no doubt that large numbers of other inner-city preachers tried to do the same. So when you Leftist kool-aiders squabble over how the last two Presidential elections were stolen by the Repubs you might just look in a place you had not dreamt of before – the black community.
Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? You’ve just got to follow the money. Have you seen some of our multimillion dollar black churches on the Southside of Chicago? They are humongous! Some of them take up entire city blocks. (I’ll try to make a tour of them and put together a slide show for you. Or maybe some authentic news investigator of the old breed will take the initiative and make a name for himself before I get around to it. I’ll give them a week to get it together.) Do you have any idea where such a vast amount of money comes from? Yeah baby. We’ve got separation of Church and State in America alright. Can you hear me now?
But let’s get down to the specifics of what is going on between good old Trinity and our boy Barack. It’s really all about gamesmanship, ego and racial antagonism. It’s actually so simple that it’s too complicated for liberalized whites to comprehend. It’s in your face chaos. It’s “Operation Chaos†formulated at least a year before Rush Limbaugh ever thought of an “Operation Chaosâ€. I mean, have you not seen the dumbfounded looks on the faces of our pundits as they try to comprehend the seeming insanity coming out of Trinity? Does your head not spin as on Sunday you hear and see the bile spewing from the mouths of “Men of Godâ€? And does it then effect your ability to walk in a straight line when on Monday these men apologize for their words and declare that Barack had no part in it? Do you grasp at all that you are being used? Are you curious at all about the conjecture that is bandied about in the vestibule post-sermon as to what sort of gibberish you will utter come Monday night as an explanation – even a justification – for what went on? You are a joke to them. And rightly so until you can come to grips with reality of black racism and deal with it with clear-sightedness and courage.
All of this Trinity nonsense may seem complicated to white folks but in the black community it’s a basic as it gets – ‘White people are damn fools and we’ve got ‘em by the nuts. The more we act like crazy people the more confused they will become as they try to rationalize our antics.’ Little by little the truth may dawn on you or little by little it will continue to consume the American dream.
posted on May 30, 2008 9:25 AM ()
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