Ancient One


Ancient One
Albion, IN


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I lost my faith, in college. I lost it because of a subtle psychological pressure. It was all right to believe in Jesus as a "good and wise" teacher, and elevate Him on an equal plane with Mohammed, w...
"Democratic Party financier George Soros, who puts much of the blame for Islamic terrorists on America and former president George W. Bush, can celebrate his first foothold inside the Pentagon," write...
Swine flu claimed eight lives in Mexico (one of whom made it to Texas for treatment before succumbing) this week and, as of Friday morning, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed more than 300 ...
"How many in-your-face radical leftist appointments must Obama make before some realize this apparently conciliatory man is indeed a polarizing radical? Let's just look at the [Harry] Knox appointment...
"Newsweek greeted the coming of Easter with a black cover, and the headline 'The Decline and Fall of Christian America,' spelled out in red in the shape of a cross. Inside, it was more declarative: 'T...
"In addition to an abhorrence of democracy, and the recognition that government posed the gravest threat to liberty, our founders harbored a deep distrust and suspicion of Congress. This suspicion and...
"Actions do deter; words are much less effective. Regimes like those in North Korea and Iran are not likely to be deterred from becoming nuclear powers -- aggressive nuclear powers -- by just words, h...
"Some of our biggest political fallacies come from accepting words as evidence of realities. ...[For example,] 'gun control' laws do not control guns. The District of Columbia's very strong laws again...
"The point of the tea parties is to note the fact that the Democrats' modus operandi is to lead voters to believe they are no more likely to raise taxes than Republicans, get elected and immediately r...
"The idea that American 'hate groups' are right-wing and bristling with vets got new life with JFK's assassination at the hands of a disgruntled vet named Lee Harvey Oswald. Everybody knew right away ...
Four central banks in Europe lowered their benchmark interest rates on Thursday. The European Central Bank (ECB) cut its rate by three-quarters of a percentage point to 2.5 percent, Swedish Riksbank b...
A day after U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited New Delhi in an attempt to restrain India from taking aggressive action against Pakistan, Indian media began leaking reports Dec. 4 allegin...
The world grew more complicated during the American Thanksgiving holiday. On Wednesday night, Nov. 26, a group carried out a complex terrorist-style attack in Mumbai, India. In addition to seizing two...
A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. All of a sudden he said out loud, "Lord, grant me one wish." Suddenly the sky clouded above his head, and in a booming voice the Lord said, "...
If you are perplexed, even bewildered, by the number of Americans who normally make logical and rational decisions but now support Barack Obama, I refer you to a lucid explanation for this phenomenon ...