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Politics & Legal > Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State

Barack O’Bama began his career as a community organizer in the city of Chicago. What’s a community organizer? In Chicago a community organizer is one who goes around and “solves people’s problems” in exchange for Democrat Party favors. “People’s problems” are a shortage of cash. The Dems solve those problems in exchange for “favors”, i.e. votes. The prime place to meet people in need of favors in our black communities is at their grandest churches.

If you happen to be living in a big city and the phenomenon I’m about to describe has not yet come to your town – watch for it. It’s coming. Drive the length of a few Chicago streets (some of them run upwards of 20 miles) and you will notice that practically all of them have two or more names. One of them is the address of record while the other is an honorarium. And if you’re really paying attention you will notice that virtually every one of these honorary street names is attached to a Rev., a father, and, though I haven’t actually seen one, I would not be surprised if one or more rabbis were not also thus “honored”. To be honored this way means only one thing; your loyalty to the Party has been officially recognized. The street in front of Rev. Wright’s church just happens to be named after him. One of our major expressways is even named after someone called Bishop Ford. I’ve got no idea who he is (or was) but I’m betting that he has something to do with a certain mega-church down here that the media has not looked into as yet.

Separation of Church and State has not existed in my city since M.L. King came here in the 60’s and tore that barrier down (M.L.King was a rev., as you may recall, and one of our main streets is named after him, too.). Since then the tactic of pandering in black churches has gone national. You don’t very often see Republicans slinking into black churches to pander for votes but for every Dem it is a Party requirement. But don’t imagine that Hillary was shocked that the blacks turned against her this year after decades of her “serving their community”. Blacks aren’t stupid. And race may not be their 1st consideration in this election. Barack promises not to simply throw open the doors of the U.S. Treasury – he intends to blow them off their hinges!

Astonishingly no one has found it curious that there has been an endless parade of white Democrats schlepping through black churches lo these many years. Nor has a single soul pointed out that politics and religion are constitutionally required to stand apart. Yet these common pigs – these Democrats - have the unmitigated audacity to go to churches and make political speeches in perfect violation of the Constitution they claim to uphold! And the Republicans? How stupid are they? They could crush this evil cabal between pseudo-religion and the Democrat Party by insisting on an end to these blatant Constitutional violations. Why won’t they do it? My guess is that the media (which detests Christianity in all its true respects) would not stand for tampering with righteous black Christianity. Bullkrap! They know exactly what’s going on.

I’ve wasted enough of my precious Sabbath on this sermon. I’m on the tee in 45 minutes.

Look around people. Democrats from alderman right up to the Presidential Office are corrupting the political process on a minute by minute basis. Our best, last hope is to stop the Repubs from going down the same road.

posted on June 1, 2008 10:24 AM ()


'Our best, last hope is to stop the Repubs from going down the same
road' too late--and they are already far ahead of the Demos!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 5, 2008 9:27 AM ()
The mis-named and mis-applied doctrine of "Separation of Church and State" only matters when the support is towards republicans and/or conservatives.
comment by oldfatguy on June 2, 2008 6:24 PM ()
Now I understand your comment on my page. hehe. You seem to be able to hold your own as well. Great post!!
comment by jerms on June 1, 2008 2:49 PM ()

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