Ahhhh yes, imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery....love you too bro..
https://mybloggers.com/justmyopinion/bet_ya_know_this.html I liked it too!
Finally, ALL the compliments available for liberals!...
...with a big ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Ugh...I hate the prep. I have to go every three years because my first one they found 7 poluyps. They were not cancerous so I guess I dodged a bullet there. I'm due, thanks for reminding me.
First let me say I really like this "oombutu" guy, nice to see you have other GOOD influences. As for the post.... another typical Democrat "soulution", ...TAX IT! I also echo Mr Oombutu's comment made on June 13, 2008 9:57 AM (PST)
The people voting for Obama are incapable of rational thought therefor they can not "open their eye's." They are voting for slogans, "hope and change." They're idiots, and this country (as we've known it) is doomed because of thier stupidity.
He was one of the last if not THE last of a dying breed of jounalists. He will be greatly missed. I actually heard someone suggest Keith Oberman as his replacement. THAT would be a travasty. Good tribute.
This is my second Father's day without my Dad. I found out exactly two years ago that he had liver cancer. We had seven months of time left. I spent more time with him in those months than I had in as many years before that. I was with him when he died, and my heart broke for the man I barely knew. I rarely cry, not a macho thing, I just don't. I cried uncontrollably during the funeral. I miss him....I really do. I haven't been to the grave since we layed him in it. Sunday, I will go.
Thank you for making me feel (a little) better about living in Michigan!
I clicked over here when I read Jim (Heyduke) write something about you and Republican ranting. Where do I find you on Blogster, If HE objects to it, I'm sure I'd love it! (Jim's a friend by the way) Welcome to MyBloggers, I'm on both too.
Oh I see now...they have hair too!
I'm printing it and taping it to the bathroom mirror...excellent!
I liked it too!