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Millertyme > Justmyopinion's Comments

Justmyopinion's Comments

Women! Can't live with em and ya can't bury em in the back yard!
Comment on Why Do I Bother - Aug 15, 2008 9:30 PM ()
Funny stuff!
Comment on Revenge ... ... Hahaha - Aug 15, 2008 9:27 PM ()
Hi GM, just wanted to drop by and let you know I'm thinking about you and your in my prayers. I hope you will be feeling better real soon. I'll be watching your blog a little closer for updates, be sure and let us know how your doing.
Comment on A Set-back - Aug 13, 2008 3:36 PM ()
Make sure and tell GM that I'm praying for him. I like him a lot too. I think he's not to sure about me
Comment on About Great Martin~please Read - Aug 13, 2008 3:25 PM ()
Hi Sunlight. I blog at both places and like/dislike different things about both. I think I've blogged more at Blogster recently because I find it a little easier. Here, when you want bold lettering or italics or different color type its much more difficult with all the code stuff, maybe it just me. I used to write all my blogs in an email and when I got done, copied and pasted it into the "write post" section but you can not do that now.
MyBloggers seems much more progressive/liberal whatever ya want to call it. I'm much more traditional so I get slammed here sometimes, but I can handle it (most of the time). As far as either place being all warm and friendly, I think civility is becoming an endangered species. If people don't agree with whatever you post, people at either site can be quite nasty to each other. I'll continue to blog at both places unless something changes or the "fairness doctrine" is brought back and my voice is silenced altogether. I enjoyed the post and the comments.
Comment on MyBloggers/ Blogster??? - Aug 13, 2008 3:20 PM ()
I'll write my comments at the end of your series. For now, it's good to see you ponder these things. ...BTW, I'm not much for "religion" either.
Comment on My Problems with Religion (Part 1) - July 9, 2008 1:59 PM ()
Well, I guess we'll just agree to disagree, I think we can still do that in America, for a few more months anyway. I think your understanding (and Ron Paul's I think) of Isalam's threat to the world is far to limited. I don't mean that in a snide or smart alec way. The fact is they hate us because we EXIST. If your not a Muslim, your an Infidel. That's not going away. I don't really want to argue....frankly, I hope your right but I truly believe the Islamic "fundamentalists" will either win or we will. Far to many people underestimate thier resolve to have a global Caliphate.
Comment on Something Big is Going On: Liberty in Depression - July 5, 2008 3:53 PM ()
He makes a lot of sense in what he says above, I'm with him there. What would he do about Islamic extremism? It IS a problem that can't be wished away or ignored. THEY declared war on us and our withdrawl from Iraq or anywhere else will NOT make them go away or stop them from attacking American interests overseas. I'm in a real quandry in this election.
Very good post!
Comment on Something Big is Going On: Liberty in Depression - July 5, 2008 11:26 AM ()
Well, there WERE pictures...errrrrrrrr
Comment on Are You a Minute Man? - July 5, 2008 10:31 AM ()
Ok, it worked with the "standard editor", but what about italics and bold or different colored lettering?? Guess I'll keep experimenting. Do I have to jump through all those hoops Also, how do I make the image bigger as in the flag with God Bless America at the top of the page. I don't know, it may be to complicated for a simple trucker.
Comment on God Bless America - July 5, 2008 10:20 AM ()
Well, your post's about this are going to be of help to me personally. I drive a semi truck for a living. Normally a fairly even tempered guy I tend to get very angry and upset with stupid drivers that cut me off, stop abruptly, exit the freeway in front of me from the left lane etc. For a Christian, I have been known to unleash some very un-Christian behavior, both verbal and physical on the brain dead idiot that almost killed us both. Today, I got cut off and was about to launch when I had to smile as I imagined "a big burley Hell's Angel", just cut me off. Thanks Jim, I don't think I'll ever have another traffic "incedent" that I won't think of you.
Comment on Changes, Part 2 - July 3, 2008 3:10 PM ()
Fifteen years ago you were an angry jerk but a miracle happened and things changed. Don't stop believing in miracles just yet, and don't let her either. I'll be keeping you both in prayer.
Comment on Brain Cancer - July 2, 2008 6:03 PM ()
I wish you lived next door.
Comment on Changes, Part Three - July 2, 2008 5:54 PM ()
I read the article, and all the comments....great post! I'm very happy for you. A good women, and recognizing you have a good women can do a lot! Cudos to Mary Ellen for sticking it out! Cudos to you for changing! Good stuff! Make a date and we'll ALL meet at your pub...I'll even get drunk!......not.
Comment on Changes (Part 1) - July 2, 2008 5:37 PM ()
Glad your ok. I can't hardly stand doctors. I fire them all the time. They work for ME not the other way around. Glad you like yours. Sounds like he just didn't "think" what he was saying (or didn't say) could scare the crap out of somebody!...No pun intended.
Comment on The Trouble with Limbo - July 2, 2008 5:22 PM ()

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