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Millertyme > Justmyopinion's Comments

Justmyopinion's Comments

I'm thinking next year I take my girl to the store and say here's a fifty, get what ya want. What a shame.
Comment on Society Gone Wrong - Nov 1, 2008 6:06 PM ()
Your back!!!! YEAH! Great post, keep em coming.
"Never called em useful"...
Comment on Useful Idiots - Nov 1, 2008 4:23 PM ()
I've got an eleven year old girl. I covet your prayers that IF the world stays spinning, I can get her to graduation without beating someone trying to get my daughter to put a rubber on a banana or explaining the joys of transgenderism. All joking aside, I AM afraid they will put me in prison before she graduates, she's NOT joining Obama's "Hitler youth" or whatever he calls it. They say he'll make it mandatory so I could possibly find myself on the run somewhere hiding out with my wife and daughter like a criminal. Whewwwwww I do NOT want to go through this...wha wha wha...
Comment on Indoctrination in Non-traditional Values - Oct 26, 2008 6:11 PM ()
N0 doubt in my mind that the end is VERY near. 2 day, weeks...months, I doubt years but even years perhaps. The scoffers, the lost may not believe until they bow the knee there. I am so very glad YOU have bowed the knee here. I look forward to lazy afternoons on the porch swing, sipping iced tea and reminiscing with my old friend Acient1.

I thought if I DID live to see it (the end of days) that I would be happier about the whole thing. I find that I am very very sad.
Comment on End Times - Oct 26, 2008 5:56 PM ()
Well, see ya, I can't seem to post squat over here now.
Comment on This is Creepy! - Oct 11, 2008 5:12 PM ()
Very very good... I'll be watching for the rest. Great post!
Comment on Facts and Myths Concerning Health Care - Oct 4, 2008 5:49 AM ()
Stuck your foot in the spokes , when I was a kid I was up at the top of a hill in Tennessee. I wondered, if I start running down the hill, what would happen. The answer go a**hole over teakettle into the barbed wire fence at the bottom. The moral is.....don't ask questions you don't want the answers too.
Comment on Suggestions for the Almighty - Oct 4, 2008 5:40 AM ()
Glad you liked it Jenn!!
Comment on Sarah Palin is My Girl - Sept 17, 2008 6:38 PM ()
Interesting post but fundamentally flawed in this way:

"The Colorado Statement on Biblical Sexual Morality

The Bible reveals that God's character defines for us what it means to be sexually pure: God's mandate to HIS PEOPLE is to "be holy, because I am holy."

Dobson was directing his statements to Bible believing Christians, those of us that believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, not suggesting we demand the whole country subscribe to it's tenants.

In concluding your article you said:

"That's why the more I learn about Wahabism, the more I understand Focus on the Family."
Come on Vlad, you cannot reasonably compare Wahabism to Focus on the family..can you? I haven't heard Dobson advocating we kill anyone that disagrees with us on morality. Jesus never forced Himself on anyone when He was here....and doesn't now. I know you as a fair minded man, please don't lump all of us Christians in with the nuts that you probably COULD lump in with the Wahabbies. Dobson does NOT fall in to that catagory. Good post, enjoyed it and I miss the back and forth with you. You'll always admit when you're wrong.....
Comment on Religious Wrong - Sept 14, 2008 8:10 AM ()
I haven't seen a post from you in a long's good to read your stuff again! Have you been writing more at the other place? Last time I looked at your blog you had not been on in months, I even asked Mollywould about you and if anything was wrong. I'm glad your back! You're one of my favorite bloggers.

I like Ameriborg, but I don't take him all that serious (sorry Am), If everyone he thinks is looking for him....well he would most certainly be found. (IMHO) Good to see you Vlad!
Comment on My Response to Amerigobard - Sept 14, 2008 7:54 AM ()
I agree with every word of this post. I wish I could have written something as insightful, informative and eloquent as he did. Strider try's to paint this election as some sort of attemp by the right to effect a "theological" takeover of America. At least that's one thing I took from his comment above. I think it to be more of an attempt to stop, or at least slow the advance of a Godless system of government that will certainly destroy America and by doing so unravel western civilization. Yes, I believe it IS that big of a deal! Burak Obama is a Marxist, surrounded by Marxists and will install or at least attempt to install a Marxist government HERE. Sarah Palin is a Godsend and an answer to prayer. It's no secret that I never liked John McCain's politics, but he made an exellent choice with Sarah. I will pull the lever for John McCain in November WITHOUT the clothspin attached to my nose now. Great post A1, I may steal it and post it on all my blogs so someone that perhaps doesn't read yours will see it on mine. It expresses my views very well. Sorry for going so long winded here.
Comment on The Culture War's Decisive Battle Has Begun - Sept 13, 2008 9:38 AM ()
Clear as mud..
Comment on Technorati Blog Reactions - Sept 7, 2008 11:43 AM ()
First good belly laugh in a while...I thought this one was hysterical!! THANKS!
Comment on Hit That Ting? - Sept 6, 2008 7:03 PM ()
Comment on A Knock Out? - Sept 6, 2008 7:00 PM ()
Prayer is communication with God and that is never a bad thing. God's overall plan for this world is fairly well spelled out in the Bible and reads like today's headlines. I think that is why I try so hard to get people to see the road we are headed down...and what the results of taking that road will ultimetly be. (Your doing really good on your commitment to comment more often )
Comment on Politics or Religion ... .I'm Not Sure - Aug 20, 2008 5:31 AM ()

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