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Religion > Religious Wrong

Religious Wrong

Officials in Saudi Arabia are investigating 57 young men for flirtatious behavior.

Their crimes? Dressing provocatively. Listening to loud music. Dancing. Impressing girls.

They were arrested following a request of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

Sounds like a faith-based initiative to me.

This commission also banned the sale of red roses earlier this month to prevent people from celebrating a pagan Christian holiday that seems to encourage relations between the sexes.

Before anyone tells me this is just about Muslim extremism, do a search on what Religious Right leaders have written about similar behaviors and note many of them want their own "Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" in the US. It's not enough for them to teach it in their homes and churches, they want everyone in the country to be conformed to Christ. How is the following any different from what the authoritarians in Saudi Arabia do when you consider Focus on the Family wants similar political authority?

The Colorado Statement on Biblical Sexual Morality

The Bible reveals that God's character defines for us what it means to be sexually pure: God's mandate to His people is to "be holy, because I am holy."

We believe that God intends for people to enjoy sex within His established limits. However, because we live in a fallen world, we also believe the following:

Desire and experience cannot be trusted to set the morality of sex. The morality of sex is set by God's holiness.

God's standard is purity in every thought about sex, as well as in every act of sex. Sexual purity is violated even in thoughts that never proceed to outward acts. Sex must never be used to oppress, wrong or take advantage of anyone. Rape, incest, sexual abuse, pedophilia, voyeurism, prostitution and pornography always exploit and corrupt.

God's standards for sexual moral purity protect human happiness. But sex is not an entitlement, nor is it needed for personal wholeness or emotional maturity.

God calls some to a life of marriage and others to lifelong celibacy, but His calling to either state is a divine gift worthy of honor and respect. No one is morally compromised by following God's call to either state, and no one can justify opposing a divine call to either state by denying the moral goodness of that state.

Sexual behavior is moral only within the institution of heterosexual, monogamous marriage. Marriage is secure only when established by an unconditional, covenantal commitment to lifelong fidelity, and we should not separate what God has joined. Christians continue to debate whether there are a limited number of situations in which divorce is justifiable (Deut. 24:1-4; Matt. 19:9; 1 Cor. 7:15), but all agree that divorce is never God's ideal; lifelong commitment should always be the Christian's goal.

Marriage protects the transcendent significance of personal sexual intimacy. Heterosexual union in marriage expresses the same sort of holy, exclusive, permanent, complex, selfless, and complementary intimacy that some day will characterize the union of Christ with the redeemed and glorified Church.

Sex in marriage should be an act of love and grace that transcends the petty sins of human selfishness, and should be set aside only when both partners agree to do so, and then only for a limited time of concentrated prayer.

Sex outside of marriage is never moral. This includes all forms of intimate sexual stimulation that stir up sexual passion between unmarried partners. Such behavior offends God, and often causes physical and emotional pain and loss in this life. Refusal to repent of sexual sin may indicate that a person never has entered into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Old and New Testaments uniformly condemn sexual contact between persons of the same sex; and God has decreed that no one can ever excuse homosexual behavior by blaming his or her Creator.

The moral corruption of sexual sin can be fully forgiven through repentance and faith in Christ's atonement, but physical and emotional scars caused by sexual sin cannot always be erased in this life.

Christians must grieve with and help those who suffer hard-ship caused by sexual immorality, even when it is caused by their own acts of sin. But we must give aid in ways that do not deny moral responsibility for sexual behavior.

We want to help men and women understand God's good plan for sexual conduct, and thereby to realize all the joy, satisfaction and honor God offers to sexual creatures made in His image.

"One of the problems with sex education... is that it also strips kids - especially girls - of their modesty to have every detail of anatomy, physiology and condom usage made explicit. " -- James Dobson

I always thought one couldn't have too much education or too much information. Apparently Dobson disagrees and wants girls to have less information.

I've always likened fundamentalists without regard for which belief system they hold. Because in the final analysis, fundamentalism is authoritarian and about controlling what others do.

That's why the more I learn about Wahabism, the more I understand Focus on the Family.

posted on Feb 23, 2008 12:10 PM ()


Interesting post but fundamentally flawed in this way:

"The Colorado Statement on Biblical Sexual Morality

The Bible reveals that God's character defines for us what it means to be sexually pure: God's mandate to HIS PEOPLE is to "be holy, because I am holy."

Dobson was directing his statements to Bible believing Christians, those of us that believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, not suggesting we demand the whole country subscribe to it's tenants.

In concluding your article you said:

"That's why the more I learn about Wahabism, the more I understand Focus on the Family."
Come on Vlad, you cannot reasonably compare Wahabism to Focus on the family..can you? I haven't heard Dobson advocating we kill anyone that disagrees with us on morality. Jesus never forced Himself on anyone when He was here....and doesn't now. I know you as a fair minded man, please don't lump all of us Christians in with the nuts that you probably COULD lump in with the Wahabbies. Dobson does NOT fall in to that catagory. Good post, enjoyed it and I miss the back and forth with you. You'll always admit when you're wrong.....
comment by justmyopinion on Sept 14, 2008 8:10 AM ()
And here I thought MTV was a spin-off from Mary Tyler Moore...[We don't have MTV in Australia -- we are pure.]
comment by clovis on Feb 26, 2008 2:57 AM ()
MTV ... non stop drugs, sex and violation.... lmao
comment by itsjustme on Feb 24, 2008 1:48 PM ()
Nice (and amusing) to read the Colorado Statement. And that in a country with a the highest porn industry. I am such a sinner regarding the Statement ( I even watch things sometimes I am not allowed lol)
comment by itsjustme on Feb 24, 2008 6:02 AM ()
My perspective: If I am desperate, I will get marry. If I want to enjoy, I will playing my "SX Vintage Series" Guitar or my acoustic guitar. FForgive me for my mistake, don't forget I am so young
comment by mustakim on Feb 23, 2008 5:47 PM ()
This is one I probably should not comment on. I will just say that I leave the final judgement of us all in the hands of someone higher than I; and that I personally condemn no one. Christ never condemned a single person; He said, " I came to save the world, not to judge it!" If it's good enough for Christ, it is good enough for me..
comment by redimpala on Feb 23, 2008 5:45 PM ()
Or hair will grow on our hands. There is a cult near here where husband and wife can have sex only while fully clothed. I like Eastern Religions. Read the Kama Sutra!
comment by jondude on Feb 23, 2008 4:11 PM ()
My reaction to fundamentalist BS is to laugh, as I'd laugh at any clown.
comment by looserobes on Feb 23, 2008 2:32 PM ()
I agree 100%. Fundamentalism is fundamentalism, is fundamentalism... and it is all dogma, not to be argued against, disputed or debated, because that would be an act of heresy. No matter that the bible is a concoction of dozens of ancient myths and legends assembled over hundreds of years by power-hungry blokes who used human gullibility to gain control... no matter that archeology even by devout Jews and Christians proves the inaccuracy of the bible... Believe or go to hell. There's no hope for the USA, Christian Africa and Muslim countries unless childhood indoctrination is stopped. By the time kids are 5 it is too late.
comment by clovis on Feb 23, 2008 1:21 PM ()
This is a little too heavy for me.But interesting there.
comment by fredo on Feb 23, 2008 1:21 PM ()

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