Ancient One


Ancient One
Albion, IN


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Ancient's Times

Religion > End Times

End Times

Since nobody knows when Jesus is going to return… Jesus said even He doesn’t know. Which means Satan doesn’t know either; and has always had to be prepared for any eventuality. That means that for two thousand years, he has had to have at least one Antichrist on the earth, in position, ready to go, in every generation since the Resurrection.

So, there has to be someone out there, this very minute, waiting, plotting, preparing… It may be someone you know.

For most of us, such thoughts are scary. Consequently, those that are truly evil do what they can to mask their true character, as well as, their intentions.

Let me know what you think. And, be vigilent.

posted on Oct 18, 2008 11:31 PM ()


Should I fear something other than God? According to the Bible, "Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have NO MORE that they can do."
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. :34>Take Therefore NO THOUGHT FOR TOMORROW: For the Tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Note: I don't fear tomorrow, for we all have a beginning and an end, whether today or tomorrow, our end will come.....I SAY PREPARE FOR THE DAY OF THE LORD COMETH.......
comment by bibletalk on Nov 10, 2008 7:24 AM ()
N0 doubt in my mind that the end is VERY near. 2 day, weeks...months, I doubt years but even years perhaps. The scoffers, the lost may not believe until they bow the knee there. I am so very glad YOU have bowed the knee here. I look forward to lazy afternoons on the porch swing, sipping iced tea and reminiscing with my old friend Acient1.

I thought if I DID live to see it (the end of days) that I would be happier about the whole thing. I find that I am very very sad.
comment by justmyopinion on Oct 26, 2008 5:56 PM ()
"Everybody wants to go to Heaven; but nobody wants to go now."
The Anti-Christ? My second wife!!!!! - Yes, I am with #3 for 14 years now - too old to have a #4!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Oct 19, 2008 8:26 PM ()
I was married for 25 years to her.
comment by jondude on Oct 19, 2008 6:30 AM ()
You know A1, I think this is pretty weird? I thought God knew all things? And, there is no such thing as Satan? You can't just keep doing things wrong and keep blaming that fictional character? The last judgment is your own final accounting...God didn't create us for his folly. In other words would a soul filled with compassion create us, knowing in the end he would only destroy us? Fear was never a part of this prophet's plan...nor did Jesus ever proclaim to be a "god". As with Buddha, he had a simple message...compassion. We all know that the "kingdom is within us"...that's where it begins and ends until "your final days" and your final judgment occurs when you must account for your life's endless judgments. It's karma and natural law. So what have you done all these years...we all in the end must answer to ourselves, there is no escaping universal the end we have eternity to get it right.
comment by strider333 on Oct 18, 2008 11:54 PM ()

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