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Ancient's Times

Politics & Legal > Europeanness Envy

Europeanness Envy

“While we’re on the symbolism, let me remind you how many Europeans see U.S. voters—as a trigger-happy bunch with a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other... Does either of you senators have any serious plans to reduce the number of guns available in the U.S. or even dare to suggest it? That really would impress the Europeans, that you stand for change.” —CNN European political editor Robin Oakley to Obama and McCain

posted on Oct 23, 2008 8:11 PM ()


Growing up, I was always taught to do what was right, no matter what everyone else did or THOUGHT. It has gotten me to where I am today. Pilate was one who wanted to please everyone as well. Eventually, He became so distraught he committed suicide. If we begin to formulate policy based on European opinion of the US, we're in big trouble. The statement on your profile sums it up. It is precisely that superiority that generates envy and jealousy, two emotions that are hardly a solid criteria for policy-making. Aside from the logically sound principle of "Do Unto Others", we shouldn't worry too much about what these other countries think. After all, we're the ones they ALL come running to when something monumental or important needs doing. I'll stop now, lest I fall into the trap of blogging on a site that is not my own. Carry on!
comment by jerms on Nov 7, 2008 7:14 AM ()
Bush has devastated the reputation of America and yes, we are now viewed more negatively then ever before. He'll now slip out the back door leaving a bankrupt nation embroiled in two wars that continue to have to no focused conclusion but continue to drain the vanishing wealth of our great nation. As for the gun issue, I can understand their perception with the highest murder rate on planet earth and the availability of assault weapons and routine shootings in our high schools. Clearly, there's coralations.
comment by strider333 on Oct 24, 2008 7:54 AM ()
Does this gun make my ass look fat, Frenchy?
comment by think141 on Oct 24, 2008 5:18 AM ()

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