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Computing & Technology > Blogging > MyBloggers/ Blogster???

MyBloggers/ Blogster???

I have been covertly watching the two blogsites: mybloggers, blogster. I have wondered why so many of our people are returning to blogster. They do have a huge community. We have a smaller one.

The community here is smaller, exclusive, more tolerant, higher educated, nicer.

Blogster is still running much slower at times and it's still messed up. It actually is harder to post. The group may be large, but there are a lot of kids who aren't good bloggers. Of course, there are some who are very good. There are many bloggers there that love to engage in argument, then block their opposition, then open their blogs when they miss the answers they'd been getting. It tends to be a more conservative site, in general... it seems to me... which is not bad... just not as open as we seem to be.

What I'm really wondering is why so many are going back there or posting there in tandem with here... sometimes there, more than here. Why are we not answering each other more frequently so that we feel more at home and valued? Why are we not encouraging more to come here so we have a more lively community?

In recent days, Clovis has left; BigRichard has gone; DocRock is no longer posting; Brian45 has gone. That's within a short amount of time. How many others are there? Quite a few that don't come to mind immediately. I miss them all. I see, over there, some who were loyal members here and have decided to go back. Mmmhollywould and jtruant are two that come to mind.

I understand that I have been very sporadic, so I shouldn't complain... but no one else is and I think it's harming our community if someone doesn't address the matter. So what can we do to make this community more lively, more interesting, more appealing to outsiders? Do we need some controversy? I don't know. All I know is that I don't want people leaving... I want them to come back and to have others come here to post.

One thing: They do encourage people to welcome newcomers. It would be good to welcome them and then keep in touch with them; also, to keep in touch with each other. I know that when I return, people do respond. When some post, though, it appears that they get very few responses.

Perhaps we need a spot that gives some tips: How to make friends, how to post; how to be persistent and not give up with just a few posts; how to navigate this site.

BTW, I see QueenTeaMum there. She was such a good friend, having a hard time these days (as are many). I'd dearly love to see her here. She's blogging quite infrequently because she uses the library, I think. I don't have an active blog there, but some of you do. Many of you blog to her there, and I know you're here, too. Well, just a thought.

posted on Aug 11, 2008 11:12 AM ()


"Dale told me that you were a boy. Those were his words. I remember it well... because it was embarrassing to have made that mistake" np lol
comment by itsjustme on Aug 17, 2008 4:43 PM ()
Hi Sunlight. I blog at both places and like/dislike different things about both. I think I've blogged more at Blogster recently because I find it a little easier. Here, when you want bold lettering or italics or different color type its much more difficult with all the code stuff, maybe it just me. I used to write all my blogs in an email and when I got done, copied and pasted it into the "write post" section but you can not do that now.
MyBloggers seems much more progressive/liberal whatever ya want to call it. I'm much more traditional so I get slammed here sometimes, but I can handle it (most of the time). As far as either place being all warm and friendly, I think civility is becoming an endangered species. If people don't agree with whatever you post, people at either site can be quite nasty to each other. I'll continue to blog at both places unless something changes or the "fairness doctrine" is brought back and my voice is silenced altogether. I enjoyed the post and the comments.
comment by justmyopinion on Aug 13, 2008 3:20 PM ()
After reading this post, I visited blogster for the first time since I left it. I actually established a new blog over there, MrWilson, and started browsing. BOY! Talk about angry and rude people! I ended up getting into a HUGE political fight with Rcmo over Obama, and I also ran into a self-professed man-hater and gay-bashers who were pretty vocal about their dislikes!
Not only is blogster slower and harder to navigate than mybloggers, it's uglier.
I find the people here much friendlier and MUCH MORE open-minded.
MyBloggers is my home.
comment by hayduke on Aug 13, 2008 9:50 AM ()
accidentally read this post of you. I also am a former blogster-one. But that site is so terribly slow and I just have all my friends here on mybloggers. Indeed its a pity some go back to blogster but I intend to stay here. I dont post in tandem anymore and only visit blogster for some old friends like donna and Dale (who is here as well btw). Interesting post and indeed I also wonder: why do they go back after al the problems there?
comment by itsjustme on Aug 13, 2008 3:57 AM ()
I guess we need to comment everytime we read a post and to try to read newcomers posts. I love mybloggers and I h ated the contention at Blogster and the slowness of the site. Thanks for posting this.
comment by elderjane on Aug 12, 2008 3:03 PM ()
Great post. I used to be an avid blogger at Blogster when Eddie was still over there. Then the change happened, and it wasn't a fun change. Quit blogging. Then slowly came over here. I don't feel the pull to blog like I used to. Maybe it's due to the fact that I'm out of practice, or my brain is more muddled then usual. At any rate, your post is so encouraging to blog here ... perhaps this'll propel me to use language in the written form to convey my mind. Thanks.
comment by writerproducer on Aug 12, 2008 11:30 AM ()
Four Blogsters banned me from their sites and only one at MyBloggers. [He has left.] Since I came here, I get a virus every time I contact Blogster. A couple of very articulate right wingers blog here periodically. Their output is better than National Review. Of course we have several left wing giants here who shall go nameless.
By definition MyBloggers is a social blog and is at its best when we write on themes close to our hearts.
comment by bumpedoff on Aug 12, 2008 8:00 AM ()
I wouldn't go back to Bugster if they gave me the Crown Jewels.
comment by jondude on Aug 12, 2008 7:11 AM ()
Aloha my sweet friend. Well I still have my account at Blogster but barely ever use it except to comment on some friends that I still have over their. Would have loved to stay at Blogster but so many issues with the website and so little response from the people doing the website.
comment by panthurdreams on Aug 11, 2008 11:04 PM ()
Dear Sunlight, thanks for your comment. I came to MyBloggers to escape the nastiness in Blogster. I think the people in mybloggers are some of the nicest around. and surely no one could be more political and sane and interesting than ekyprogressive? My only reason for leaving is I haven't the time to read and comment. my email box is full every morning and instead of doing what really needs doing, I end up reading and commenting. My major problem is that despite the best satellite broadband available here in this outpost of the planet, it still takes up to a minute to arrive at my messages, or for the reply box to come up.... and I simply haven't the time. As for blogster being bigger... surely it's better to have a room full of friends than a stadium full of bitching antagonists?
comment by clovis on Aug 11, 2008 10:38 PM ()
Also, some of the people who have left are no great loss in my opinion. They weren't happy with our comments so the best thing they could have done was move on to somewhere they felt more appreciated.
comment by troutbend on Aug 11, 2008 9:58 PM ()
I think the 'read' statistics on Blogster are inflated somehow, simply can't believe that thousands of people a day would read my posts. There were some nasty fights going on over there and I lost all trust, even here on MyBloggers - I feel like I can't share my heartfelt concerns so I post a lot less than I used to. I think people have their little group of friends and forget to click on links to 'meet' people who are new to them.
comment by troutbend on Aug 11, 2008 9:57 PM ()
Blogster just recently had a big blow up between one person in particular and a few others. It was pretty ugly and I think Blogster has a lot of flare ups there. It's definitely a different neighborhood of a number of people looking to argue a bit. Joe is still hurling hate at anyone who doesn't agree with him. MyBloggers is definitely a much better neighborhood. I've been posting some political stuff there only because this site isn't quite that political and that's good to a certain extent. I do it just to poke a little fun at the old antagonists. A lot of strange drama there but mybloggers is definitely the better of two...great people here.
comment by strider333 on Aug 11, 2008 8:45 PM ()
I post one on there every once in a while, just to keep it
active because i have some friends there that I want to keep in
touch with ( Like 80 and hanging in there).There is a few more.
But I have noticed that there is a lot more swearing and fighting
and I thank it is because of a different generation. Some of them
are real good, but some sounds real dumb.
comment by larryb on Aug 11, 2008 7:36 PM ()
Some good points there Sun! Blogster came into existence in January 2005. I started over there in June of 2005. I am kind of surprised that there is more posting and commenting over there. I have noticed that it has slowed down here for a couple of months now which I attribute to summer and vacations. People are out and about more than in the winter months. It has been that way in the past on blogster. I like it over here but, still like blogster too. Just MHO!!
comment by texastar on Aug 11, 2008 5:24 PM ()
I was one of those people who was posting in tandem for a while since so many of my friends had moved over here. I think each site has nice features that make them stand out, but Blogster was (and is still) so slow. It did seem to have a larger audience than here, but most of the people here are so warm and cozy.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 11, 2008 3:06 PM ()
Well Sunlight, I have never left blogster. I came over here to on March 11th I believe and started this blog but, continued to blog at both places. Oh, sometimes I take a break or get busy with other things. Also, there seems to be more commenting and response on blogster lately than here. Maybe more people on here are busy with other things I don't know. I know blogmom and I believe frogfenatic went back over there and have left here but for different reasons. I think most are because lack of comments and reads on here.
comment by texastar on Aug 11, 2008 2:39 PM ()
I spent years on forums before I started blogging. Forums and blog sites, for that matter are a reflection of the outside world. Community groups have core members, along with those who come and go. Some folks attend every meeting, or log on every day, and some appear only sporadically. Some actively contribute content (volunteer for group projects) and some show up just for the annual dinner. I remember reading (on a forum) about Internet research in this area. I'll blog the details if I can find it again, but the basic idea is this: For every 100 users of a venue, 10% actively contribute content and 90% read. Seems a bit higher here, but when you consider that we only see visitors who are logged in, this may be a misperception on my part. Lots of food for thought here! Keep up the observations!
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 11, 2008 1:01 PM ()
Oh,and I have been missing all of this?
comment by fredo on Aug 11, 2008 12:54 PM ()
I ditto what Chris said (thepirateinthecity) I have been suffering from writers block but I am here daily to read up on everyone else. I just don't comment often. I will try to at least leave a heart from now on..
comment by meranda on Aug 11, 2008 12:36 PM ()
I just opened a new account over there. mainly to comment to people I know who are still there or blogging more over there than here. this is still my #1 home. although I have not been blogging as much, just in a mood.
comment by elkhound on Aug 11, 2008 12:20 PM ()
I left blogster simply because it was so damned hard to negotiate around the site, and many of the folks there fairly intolerant to opposing points of view.
I've never regretted the decision to come over here.
I think you're right though, Sunni. I think we here at MyBloggers should make an attempt to encourage new-comers. Do you think Eddie could do something about this, or should we take it upon ourselves?
comment by hayduke on Aug 11, 2008 11:54 AM ()
ironic you posted this because I recently have found myself thinking about returning for the simple reason that not as many seem to read and much less seem to comment here.
comment by firststarisee on Aug 11, 2008 11:48 AM ()
I have been bad about posting. I read most of my friends but often don't comment. I think I will start back. Good post!
comment by thepirateinthecity on Aug 11, 2008 11:16 AM ()

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