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Hollywould Insider

Religion > Why Are We Allowing the Government to Abuse Kids?

Why Are We Allowing the Government to Abuse Kids?

I am not sure who wrote about this or did not write about this here on mybloggers but no matter I am very glad I did not read it because I am sure that you joined the media lynch mob. What am I talking about you must be wondering, I am talking about the Yearning For Zion Ranch in Texas. I purposely refrained from saying anything about it because I knew this would happen. I knew is t was a media lynch mob. We as Americans have proven over and over that we cannot accept anything that is different from the pc mainstream values of the United States of America, any thing different is considered a threat or evil.

Why didn’t I get up in arms? I am not against polygamy, I am not against sixteen year olds getting married where that is legal and I am for people being able to pursue happiness and their faith and or lifestyle so long it is within bounds of the law. Keep in mind though as much as many gay men are for gay marriage I am also for the right to marry more than one person if you wish. I believe it is not only biblical but natural for many. I can only think of one reason to disallow it and that would be fear. Fear of the unknown or that it could happen to you, but I digress lets get back to the ranch.

I assume all of you have heard that the Texas court of appeals overturned the decision to remove the “440” children because they found no immediate threat.

Now lets add some interesting numbers only 31 of these children were suspected to have been abused. Now let’s take that number and add that 15 have been reclassified as adults because they are 18 or over. Now listen to this and one was reclassified as an adult because she is, you guessed it, 27. Yes 27 years old. Now in the state of Texas You must be 18 to marry and 16 with parental permission. So lets add the fact that once this happens you are considered an adult. How many of the remaining do you think are actually legally married and NOT underage minors? Well I got another number for you 5. There were 5 15-16 year old girls pregnant and let me remind you if they are married they are adults and out of that number do you think there might be a girl or two her were making it in the barn with their neighbor, the boy next door they wanted to have sex with? Guess what me and you have no idea because they still want to lynch these people based on their beliefs. No information about the remaining five has been released. This was a sickening lynch mob.

I hope they sue the pants off the state of Texas! Talk about wrong doing. Remember all that talk o blogster and mybloggers of both defamation liable? Well guess what this is both.

Did you know the call was most likely a hoax? That the girl who made the call was never found? Did you know she said she was an abused teenage wife? That makes her an ADULT in the state of Texas.

It is absolutely ridiculous to me the amount of control we have given the government. We allowed a government agency to remove a twenty seven year old? Please. This is ridiculous and terrible. Just because someone who did not like Mormons for real or imagined reasons decided to call and make a call that was mostly likely a HOAX ! I hope they are proud.

posted on May 23, 2008 10:57 AM ()


I guess they are lucky they didn't find any guns, they might have "Wacko'ed" them. Good post Holly! Government is most definetly out of control. Right/left, it doesn't matter, they are ALL to much in our business!
comment by justmyopinion on May 31, 2008 4:14 AM ()
Hurray for you! I blogged about this way back. I may be an atheist, but I know right from wrong.
comment by solitaire on May 24, 2008 6:26 AM ()
Thank you for the mybloggers banner Holly! I have one with the pink converse high top tennis shoe.
comment by texastar on May 23, 2008 5:11 PM ()
I believe that I was one of them on here that posted about this when it came out in the news. I put up the news article. Apparently this is a branch off of the Mormon faith. It seems to be that they found out that the person that called was a 33 year old woman and not a teenager but, someone from the town nearby who didn't like the group according to the news. Yeah, it looks like the state is in a lot of trouble over this one.
comment by texastar on May 23, 2008 5:10 PM ()
Another case of the "It takes a village" idiots. (pun intended). The long arm of the womb to the tomb nanny-state liberals who always know best of what is in OUR best interests - like we do not know what WE think or want. Of course - they only want to help us; like any and all politicians, this Texas fiasco was only to appease certain $$ donating voters, at the expense of so many who only wanted to be left alone and to mind their own actions. And Texas again (?? GWB ??) becomes the laughing-stock of the nation!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on May 23, 2008 2:07 PM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on May 23, 2008 1:04 PM ()

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