The pre-bid night gala was last night. The art guild gang put up three white canopy tents on the sidewalk in front of the gallery and sent out 600 invitations for pre-bidding in advance of this weekend's Heritage festival. Our 34 painted metal trash cans were arranged on a 30-foot long array of tables beneath the canopies. We had food and beverages, and the gallery was re-arranged for the event. Several of my own paintings were featured inside on large easels.

The pre-bids are so that when the Sunday auction begins, the starting prices will be set. My trash can, "VINCENT'S ON THE CAN," was the very first to get a bid.
It was $175.00!

By the close of the 7 to 9 p.m. event, many of the cans had more than one bid, but mine was the highest, tied with another for $175 bucks. It will go for more than that at the live auction. Proceeds will go to the Tiffin Art Guild.