I don't give a hoot about Justin Bieber's new hairdo.
Nor do I care a damn about Jennifer Anniston's hair style.
I have never watched the Grammy's or any other awards show except the Academy Awards (about every three years, if I don't have anything else going on.)
I care nothing for political commentators of any ilk and seldom watch the two political networks, FOX news or MSNBC. I would gain more life knowledge from watching the Cartoon Network.
I don't like lamb. When it cooks it smells like human flesh burned by napalm.
I can't drink beer or I am up six or seven times at night (bathroom.)
I love cats because they feign intelligence and they know that I know they are faking it.
I dislike stalkers and overbearing "friends" who always want to chat, call me on the phone to talk for hours when I have a deadline to meet at 8 a.m.
I don't need a smart phone. I already have a Mac that does more than a smart phone and doesn't cost $150 a month. I only use the phone to talk to people.
I never ever answer the hard-wired phone. I only have the line so that my DSL works.
The best programs on the TV are on PBS. I get three PBS stations on cable and they are wonderful. Masterpiece Theater is grand.
I can have a staring contest with a cat and nearly always win.
I do my laundry when it will just about fill my car trunk and the back seat. That is because I must use a laundromat, which I consider the next thing to watching grass grow or paint dry.
I do sitting zen while driving on long trips. It increases my alertness and is less boring than radio.
I totally live on Tostitos Artisan Chipotle chips.
My freezer contains packages and wrapped items that are total mysteries to me, but I leave them in situ.
It is always still dark outside when I awake, except for Sundays.
I seldom need an alarm clock. I have a staff of alarmist cats.
As you can see, there are people who believe I am out of sync with the "mainstream." My comment is "Who wants to be mainstream? Not this man!"
being. Most of us on this blog are out of the mainstream. I am in total
agreement about lamb or mutton. It makes me ill.