Title? It was the title of a great rock ballad way back in about 1974. The stone alludes to the door of Jesus' tomb, but it doesn't really. It is the metaphor for superstition and self-imposed barriers to being happy.
I am rolling lots of stone away from the door to my life.
Got the big smoker/BBQ grill cleaned, the patio cleaned, the detritus of winter stuffed in the trash bin, and I did a huge rack of back ribs last night. Could only eat half. I par-boil first to remove lots of the fat. Then I grill the ribs. Then I bring them inside and slice them into individual ribs. Then I painted them with sauce in a roasting pan. Both sides. Lots of sauce: mostly BBQ sauce, with mustard and balsamic vinegar added. Then I roast the ribs covered for an hour @ 300F.
I got this method from Mr. Thiebault, who ran a nice restaurant in Thousand Oaks CA where my mother worked. R.I.P. Mr. Thiebault. Great ribs!
I rolled a stone yesterday. I decided the house cleaning can wait a bit. I can live in filth so long as I have enough Zyrtec. LOL
Another stone:
Politics. I won't even talk or discuss it with anyone. My politics will be like my religious beliefs from here on. I AM the resistance. Screw the 'king.' Off with all their heads.
Chelsea won the Champions League final against Bayern Munich in Munich's home stadium yesterday. It was a solid performance on both sides. Went to a shootout! I hate shootouts.
Chelsea's biggest day in its 107-year history. I am not a Chelsea fan. I am an Arsenal supporter, another London team, but I was happy the Chelsea side took the title.
So what is the 'stone' here? I actually rooted for a team that during any other day of the year I would totally loathe. LOL
yer drooling on the keyboard pal