Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Sports & Recreation > Golf > A Return to the Sport ...

A Return to the Sport ...

I awoke about 5:30 a.m. and punched the Krups for coffee. I fed the cats, moaning and groaning as I do until I got water on my face and a Ketoprofen in my stomach. Then I showered and shaved and went out to read the slim little newspaper.

Wait! It is Thursday! It is my men's club golf morning out on the course!

What the Hell... I'm going this time! It has been five and a half weeks since I snapped my damned hamstring and I no longer have any pain associated with it.

I went back in and got out my golf shirt and pants. I carried the birdcage down, flipped on the Disney Channel for him, snatched my keys, wallet and the cursed cell phone and ran for the car.

At Seneca Hills, I paid up, got another coffee and went out to stretch. I managed to exercise all my 'golf muscles' and by the time we walked over to our starting tee (the four-man team hit first on number 8, which means we would finish at the seventh green. We only play nine holes.) - I was ready as I could ever be.

Now, folks, I had not even been to a driving range yet. I had not even picked up club since early May.

I blew my drive out in the middle of the fairway, 250 yards straight toward the flag! Fantastic. OK.

Several holes later, after knocking some fine tee shots and a couple pretty good short hits, I stood on number six tee. Number six is a ball-buster. It is a par three. It is 165 yards of mostly water.

We tee off from a patch about ten yards from the edge of a pond that is roughly round-shaped. It has a dike around the number six end of the pond, shared by two holes. This par three hole is designed to intimidate you. You smack your tee shot and hope you clear the 130 yards of water, get it over the dike at the far side, hopefully onto the green, which is about the same level as your feet when you stand on the tee. Beyond the opposite dike is a depression about 8 or ten feet below the dike and the green. So most shots attempt to reach that depression, which is about thirty or forty yards across, so the ball bounces up on the green and stops.

I pulled out my six iron and took one practice swing. Felt good.

I addressed the ball, made my backswing and clobbered it.

The ball shot true and high, right toward the flag. I said "get up!" and it stayed up. It fell into that depression, hopped once and rolled on the green.

Right at the hole!

I yelled, "BE THE DAMN ONE!"

It reached the hole, right on the edge of the cup, and....

... lipped out.

We got to the green and one of the guys pulled the flag so I could sink my two-foot birdie.

Damn it.

Just a note about Bunjii... Tomorrow (Friday) is the day he gets his stitches removed. He is soooo ready to rejoin the family, and I hope he doesn't have to remain in the upstairs guest room for more than one more night.

posted on June 19, 2008 1:47 PM ()


My back is killing me and I think I have a broken bone in my right hand. But, this does not deter me from the great American game of golf. Soo. on the first hole, a par 3, l75 yards with sand and water abounding the hole, I drive an eight iron to the edge of the green and ir rolls and rolls towards the cup. Gadzooks, says I. It is the greatest moment of my golfing life. You guessed it, missed the damn hole by an inch, goes bye at least 5 feet, and you guessed it, I missed the damn put. So, I can say that my credo is intact. 3 putt as I ended up with a SOB 4.
comment by theprofessor on June 30, 2008 6:26 PM ()
Well I'm glad you were about to play and had no pain...well no physical pain that is...I know it was a pain not hitting the hole.. Hope everything goes ok with Bunjii too
comment by elfie33 on June 20, 2008 9:28 AM ()
Wow... that is terrific news. I'm so happy you were able to get back out there. I can tell you truly enjoyed yourself and that's what it's all about.
Best wishes to Bunjii. It makes me smile to envision your bird watching the Disney channel.
Happy weekend friend.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 20, 2008 6:58 AM ()
poor Bunjii, it can't come soon enough.
Good golf game. I scored my first bogey today.
Got to the last hole, couldn't lift my club. Went
to the club house and was told I had "golf elbow."
I am learning to love the game.
comment by cindy on June 19, 2008 7:07 PM ()
You can play, I'll watch. A neighbor a while back during the
July 4th holiday, allowed guests to drive balls into the bay.
The trick was you hit the ball, it would rise up and sail high
over the water as close to the mangrove island as it could get.
Mine rolled into the bay. Well, there weren't any prizes, so
I didn't care anyway. Glad you could play without any hint
of your injury.
comment by tealstar on June 19, 2008 3:37 PM ()
I sat and read with slack jaw, living vicariously through you as you played that 6th hole (its only a par 3? jees!) You were playing like Tiger today, pal. Don't you overdue like him though. Poor kid went too far in the Open and now he's out for the season. Well, at least he'll get to spend some quality time with little Sam Alexis...and pro'lly drive the dumb Swede nuts in the process.

yer " ympin' yimminy, I'm goin' beck to Sveeden to wisit Mama fer a jear, ya" pal
comment by honeybugg on June 19, 2008 3:06 PM ()
I can feel the tension on the course by the way you described it; it must have felt good just to be there again. That 6th hole sounds like a nightmare and since this is your first time back since May, I think you did pretty darn good for your fisrt comeback. WTG a birdie What an exhilirating game today
Hugs and kisses to bunjii
comment by lynnie on June 19, 2008 2:45 PM ()
Long time, no play, but I remember. I would have been pretty happy even with the lipout
comment by baseeker on June 19, 2008 2:20 PM ()
I usually play that hole with a five iron but the ground now is rock hard and there is a lot of bounce and roll. Sometimes, when the wind is dead, I have played it with a seven iron but usually come up short. Short can mean "wet."
comment by jondude on June 19, 2008 2:13 PM ()
your bird watches Disney Channey?
comment by ducky on June 19, 2008 2:04 PM ()
'I addressed the ball,' Sorry I can not read this without getting hysterical remembering Ed Norton 'addressing the ball'--"Hi ball" on the Honeymooners!!! What did you say to yours???
comment by greatmartin on June 19, 2008 2:00 PM ()
comment by marta on June 19, 2008 1:55 PM ()
Nice to see you back on the golf course.
I do not let the pain bother me when playing tennis.
Have pain or pull all of the time.
nothing will stopped me till I drop.
comment by fredo on June 19, 2008 1:55 PM ()

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