Jon Adams


Jon Adams
Tiffin, OH
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A Minority Of One

Life & Events > Power Back On ...

Power Back On ...

While the electric power is back I should jump on here before I lose it again. The wind is cold and ferocious! It is thankfully blowing the ice off the trees and roofs, but it has also knocked down limbs. That is probably why the power was off when I awoke at 6 a.m. It came back at 9 and I got the furnace going again. The inside temperature had dropped to 52 degrees F. Now it is approaching 66, which is my winter daytime setting.

The bird woke me at 6. The electric radiator had been off and he was getting cold beside my bed. I got him down to the kitchen and punched the coffee, then remembered it wouldn't work. So I hung him from the front room ceiling hook and hoped for the best.

The cats could not have cared less.


I called Mom's care center to inform them I wouldn't be taking her to brunch today. Too cold and windy. On Christmas I will be taking here here first, to open presents and watch the cats rip open their bags. Then we go to a cousin's home about 16 miles west of here for a 1:00 p.m. Christmas dinner. After that I will take her to her youngest brother's home near there just to visit. His wife (#2) has 11 grown children, and that bunch packs their house on Christmas afternoon with about 45 to 50 people. They have an ongoing buffet. Cakes, pies and other food!

Then I will return Mom to Autumnwood and come back home to digest it all.

I will make a giant German Chocolate cake on Wednesday for the dinner at my cousin's. I must go out to find a cheap cake plate and cover. I divorced the one I had.

This promises to be a cold week with more snow, ice and sub-zero nights. I long for the promise of green grass and baseball. Two months until Spring Training.

Read Tealstar's account of her (their) years in the NYC loft. What sweet memories!

Bugg is now in Wyoming. Give her a shout.

We are warm here. Don't worry about us. Hobbes is checking his calendar and knows it is only four or five days until Santa lights on our roof.


No power outages since I wrote the above this morning.

My email doesn't work due to a problem on a California server.

To email me use the other one (if you know it) or use the MyBloggers mail.

9:00 p.m. Sunday night...
Temperature is zero degrees F. Wind chill is minus 25 degrees. Overnight it will get colder!

posted on Dec 21, 2008 7:46 AM ()


Brrr. Keep you and the bird warm. Hobbie can take care of himself.
comment by stiva on Dec 22, 2008 10:43 AM ()
Gotta get out today--hope my car battery charges. I'm thinking golf. But putting on the carpet isn't quite the same.
comment by solitaire on Dec 22, 2008 5:18 AM ()
Dang! You are further south than us and even colder! It's about 11 or 12 degrees right now with wind chills around ten below. I am ready for summer again.
comment by busymichmom on Dec 21, 2008 8:37 PM ()
Keep warm!
comment by november on Dec 21, 2008 4:21 PM ()
I guess you won't be doing a Sunday barbecue today.
comment by anniel on Dec 21, 2008 10:56 AM ()
Titans vs Steelers today. Stay inside-stay warm.
comment by grumpy on Dec 21, 2008 9:10 AM ()
Dear Jon, You're so good to your mom. I'm sure she knows it. The big family gathering sounds like fun. Don't overeat. Thanks for the referral.
comment by tealstar on Dec 21, 2008 8:48 AM ()
Yes,we know the feelings here in NH.
Another storm is going on now.
We still have people without power and they are losing the faith in the
utility crew.Some places a little nasty.But this is uncalled for.
They are doing their best.Most of them been out for ten days.
Time to look into a generator.Glad that you were not out too long.
Merry Christmas.Fredo
comment by fredo on Dec 21, 2008 8:20 AM ()
Enormous chunks of ice are flying off the neighbors' trees and smacking against my house (and windows!) It scares the kitties, but I am concerned about having some broken glass here.
comment by jondude on Dec 21, 2008 7:58 AM ()

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