A huge winter storm is due beginning overnight and lasting through late Saturday. First we get rain, which in the 30 degree air turns to ice, then a "wintry mix," which is freezing rain and sleet, and finally snow, which in turn will go into sleet and then rain on Saturday. So we don't know how bad it may be.
I just got back from Kroger. I had to lay-in stuff for the duration, because it is foolish to venture out on the Ohio two-lane blacktop in those conditions.
Oh, believe me, people will.
I'm not afraid to drive in the conditions caused by the weather. I AM afraid of the way those people drive. You'd think they were driving on Florida roads in mid-summer.
Yesterday I saw a young woman try to negotiate a 30 degree corner at about fifty miles per hour on solid ice. She didn't make it and neither did her Honda.
So I stocked up on dry cat food, coffee filters, some fat-free (right!) chips and smokes.
I always try to have enough here to survive a prolongued nuclear aftermath but this week caught me short. I now have enough here that I wouldn't have to go out until after Christmas.
Hunkered down. Lagered-in.
Nothing like what Anniel is going-through in the mountains of Oregon, but if the power goes off I have five cats to keep me warm.